Privacy Watch
November 18, 2002
Total Information Awareness Equals Total Privacy Obliteration

The public is growing increasingly concerned John Poindexter's Total Information Awareness project.

Here's a new website with lots of helpful links on the subject.

The Washington Post and NY Times have warned us all about the implications.

The ACLU has a letter writing campaign:

In the last several days, media reports have revealed that a little-known Defense Department office is developing a computer system that threatens to turn us all into "suspects" and would provide the government with the ability to snoop into all aspects of our private lives without a search warrant or proof of criminal wrongdoing.

This program is being created in the Pentagon by a new Office of Information Awareness, which has been charged with creating a system it is calling "Total Information Awareness:" effectively a computer program that will provide government officials with immediate access to information about everything from our phone calls to Internet mail, from our financial records to the history of what we buy online or in our local pharmacy, from every trip we book to all of our academic and medical records.

Leading this initiative is John Poindexter, the former Reagan era National Security Adviser who famously said that it was his duty to withhold information from Congress. In his new post as Head of the Office of Information Awareness, Poindexter has been quietly promoting the idea of creating "a virtual centralized database" that would have the "data-mining" power to pry into the most minute and intimate details of our private lives.

Posted by Lisa at November 18, 2002 01:24 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

I'm very glad to see that at least some people are concerned about the T.I.A. project. I think it is the most serious threat to freedom of expression in this country since the McCarthy era of the 1950's. Keep up the good work.
Frank J. Kendrick

Posted by: Frank Kendrick on November 23, 2002 05:30 PM
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