U.S. vs. ElcomSoft - My Trial Coverage
December 12, 2002
Just Got Back From the ElcomSoft Final Arguments

This is just a little informational post to let those interested know that I just got back from the last day of the trial and I'll have a brief synopsis of the day's events up soon (within the hour) before getting back to finishing up my extended coverage.

(update: 3:00pm. I'm fried guys. I was up till 2am editing my Trent Lott Daily Show piece, and then I had to be in court this morning at 8:00 am. So I am fr-ied!)

The Jury is planning to deliberate today and tomorrow morning -- so we might have a verdict before I "get there" with my narrative account of it -- but I'm trying to catch up!

Next update late tonight or early am. Juicy stuff!

Then I will go back and finish the long versions of the witness cross-examinations. Promise.

Posted by Lisa at December 12, 2002 02:07 PM | TrackBack
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