Adventures In Hacktivism - February 16, 2003
February 20, 2003
My Little Adventure in Hacktivism for February 16, 2003 Parts 7-11

Part 7 - Crowded Market Street to the singing peace ladies.

Feb 16, 2003 Part 7 of ? (Hi-res 34 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 7 of ? (Lo-res 16 MB)

Not much to show picture-wise for the clips below. You're either really going to be into the novelty of experiencing a walk/count across the crowd, or you should maybe go on to the next set of clips. (And you won't hurt my feelings, promise :-)

Part 8 - Me coming up with the idea of counting how many people are in a line across Market street - from side to side, including the sidewalk. And starting the count.
Feb 16, 2003 Part 8 of ? (Hi-res 37 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 8 of ? (Lo-res 18 MB)

Part 9 - Finishing the count: 62 people across. (West to East.)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 9 of ? (Hi-res 19 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 9 of ? (Lo-res 10 MB)

Part 10 - To enable the determination of even the slightest bit of an "average," I count as I walk back across the street. (East to West.)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 10 of ? (Hi-res 30 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 10 of ? (Lo-res 14 MB)

Pary 11 - I finish the count: 72 back. So that's 62 across and 72 back. (I know I say "63" on Part 11, but we know from Part 9 that it was really only 62.)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 11 of ? (Hi-res 22 MB)
Feb 16, 2003 Part 11 of ? (Lo-res 12 MB)

Posted by Lisa at February 20, 2003 10:20 AM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)