The Shrub War - WMD Lies
July 22, 2003
On The Death Of David Kelly - Suicide? Or What?

U.K. Lawmakers Want Adviser Suicide Probe
By Michael McDonough for the Associated Press.

A judge investigating the suicide of a Defense Ministry weapons adviser should also examine the British government's use of intelligence to justify war with Iraq, critics in Parliament said Monday.

Microbiologist David Kelly was the source for a disputed British Broadcasting Corp. report citing claims that Prime Minister Tony Blair's office doctored an intelligence dossier on Iraqi weapons to bolster the case for war. On Friday, Kelly's body was found near his home in central England. One of his wrists had been slashed.

Lord Hutton, one of the Law Lords who form Britain's highest court of appeal, on Monday said his inquiry into the suicide would investigate the "circumstances surrounding the death of Dr. Kelly."...

Kelly's body was found three days after he testified to a parliamentary committee about his unauthorized encounter with BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan, who on May 29 quoted an anonymous source as saying officials had "sexed up" evidence about Iraqi weapons to justify war.

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:

U.K. Lawmakers Want Adviser Suicide Probe

Associated Press Writer

LONDON (AP) -- A judge investigating the suicide of a Defense Ministry weapons adviser should also examine the British government's use of intelligence to justify war with Iraq, critics in Parliament said Monday.

Microbiologist David Kelly was the source for a disputed British Broadcasting Corp. report citing claims that Prime Minister Tony Blair's office doctored an intelligence dossier on Iraqi weapons to bolster the case for war. On Friday, Kelly's body was found near his home in central England. One of his wrists had been slashed.

Lord Hutton, one of the Law Lords who form Britain's highest court of appeal, on Monday said his inquiry into the suicide would investigate the "circumstances surrounding the death of Dr. Kelly."

"It will be for me to decide, as I think right within my terms of reference, the matters which should be the subject of my investigation," Hutton said, without elaborating.

It was unclear whether Hutton intended to meet demands for a broader inquiry into the government's handling of intelligence on Iraqi weapons.

Blair comments on arms expert's death

Blair has said he is prepared to testify before Hutton's investigation, but on Monday he suggested the scope would be limited to Kelly's death.

"This is a very exceptional situation which is why we decided to hold a judicial inquiry, because of the concern that there was," he said during a trip to China. "Of course, there will be continuing debate as to whether the war was justified or not. I happen to believe it was."

Opposition Conservative Party lawmaker Oliver Letwin called for the inquiry to examine whether Blair's office exaggerated the threat posed by Iraqi weapons.

"While there certainly does need to be an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Dr. Kelly's death, there are a very large numbers of questions which all center on the issue of whether the public can trust what the government tells it and which relate to the information given to parliament and the public during the lead-up to war in Iraq," Letwin told BBC radio.

Robin Cook, a former foreign secretary, said it would be impossible for Hutton to get to the bottom of Kelly's death without wading into the wider question of the government's case for war.

Cook, a Labor lawmaker who quit the Cabinet in protest to the war, said the government should "accept the inevitable" and authorize the broader probe.

"The pity is that it did not do so a couple of months ago when it first became evident that it could not find any real weapons of mass destruction," Cook wrote in The Independent newspaper.

Hutton did not give a date for the start of his investigation, which he said he would largely conduct in public. He added that the government had pledged full cooperation.

Kelly's body was found three days after he testified to a parliamentary committee about his unauthorized encounter with BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan, who on May 29 quoted an anonymous source as saying officials had "sexed up" evidence about Iraqi weapons to justify war.

Gilligan said the officials had insisted on publishing a claim that Saddam Hussein could deploy some chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes, despite intelligence experts' doubts. The journalist later pointed to Alastair Campbell, Blair's communications director, as the key figure in rewriting the dossier. Campbell vehemently denied it.

Politicians across the ideological spectrum have accused the BBC of inaccurately reporting Kelly's comments, citing his testimony that he did not recognize the journalist's most damaging claims as his own. But Gilligan has said he did not misquote or misrepresent Kelly's remarks.

Another Labor rebel, former International Development Secretary Clare Short, accused the government of attacking the BBC to divert attention from questions about why it went to war.

"It's all part of a distraction from the real issues, how did we get to war in Iraq?" Short told BBC radio. "How come there was an imminent threat and yet there were no weapons of mass destruction?"

Posted by Lisa at July 22, 2003 03:30 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

In being opinonated! The world is a dirty place and sometimes politicians have to get dirty. But that only brings them down to thier advesaries level and they are no better than they are. The question that should be asked is you can always debate about the war and get correct and positive information to question it, but in response when a war is waged there is no debating that issue you have a war and that is not something you can debate.What did the U.S. and Britain fear that a third world country could do to them. What was the point of forming a League of Nations if no one abides by its rules especially the country that inforced and literally made it. What makes Americans and Britians so much better than the rest of the world basically nothing. Its the people with the power that make the rules. He who has the gold makes the rules. And almost every country is broke or indebt and thier opinions fall on deaf ears who is goingto listen to a country that cant even manage itself properly. These countrys are still looking for the three G's Gold, God and Glory. It seems they will go to all levels and extremeities to achieve it.


Posted by: Nostradamius on July 29, 2003 08:12 PM
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