Audio Tech
October 08, 2003
Audio Techies: What's Going On With My Protools Set Up?

Audio Of My First ever protools file...

So I wasnt' sure if this was a funny as it seemed to me, but when my protools teacher literally fell over in his chair laughing after hearing it, I figured it was ready for prime time.

This is little old me doing my first recording ever in my new home studio set up. I've got my little heartfelt song going, when suddenly I am attacked by some kind of interference at the end.

WARNING -- gets loud and horrible at the end and I think I say a naughty word. (The pain made me do it!)

Perhaps someone recognizes this type of noise and can tell me how to get rid of it? If not, at least you might find it entertaining.

My First Bunk Protools Experience
(MP3 - 2 MB)
(Update 9:18pm: Hey this links been bad all day -- just fixed it!)

Posted by Lisa at October 08, 2003 12:15 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

Lisa, I'd love to help you out, but the link doesn't work.

Posted by: calstars on October 8, 2003 04:47 PM

Hmm. I've never heard that sound coming out of ProTools before. Sorry. I was getting into the song though.

Posted by: Nick on October 8, 2003 09:29 PM

Nice tune. Did you get the noise while doing an overdub, or just a single take?

Posted by: Kevin on October 9, 2003 09:49 AM
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