Media Research
July 03, 2004
Contribute To My Online Music Distribution Guide

The other project that's taking a lot of my time lately (besides all the cool stuff I've been working on at Wide Hive) is my Masters Thesis for SFSU's BECA Department:
A Guide To Online Music Distribution.

So if you know of a good service, assume I know nothing about it, and send me the scoop!

If you are personally affiliated with a particular system, so much the better. (Then I can get the inside scoop:) I won't get mad at you for trying to sell me something. I'm starting from scratch here, and I really want to create a comprehensive directory.

Let me know what systems you don't like too. That's just as helpful.

In a few months, I'll need a group of testers to implement my tutorials on the subject. Now would be a good time to sign up for that too, if you're interested.

Thanks in advance for all the great leads and info guys. You're the best.


Posted by Lisa at July 03, 2004 06:49 AM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)