Adventures in Hacktivism
September 21, 2006
Tell Gavin Newsome To Grant The Oct 5 World Can't Wait Protest Permits

Update September 27 - I emailed the World Can't Wait folks and they said that the permit negotiations seem to be going smoothly now. Thanks everybody for writing!

Please take a couple minutes this morning to send an email and make a phone call to Gavin Newsome, our sometimes-liberal SF Mayor, and tell him to "grant World Can't Wait their Oct 5 Justin Herman Plaza protest permit." (I have a letter you can cut and paste below)

It's already a little hokey to need to get a permit to have a protest, but it can be a good thing too, in that portopotties and other civic arrangements can be made when everyone knows what's going on that day.

But not granting the permits, or waiting till the last minute to grant the permits, adds an air of uncertainty around the whole thing that hurts the process. I'd like to think that Gavin Newsome isn't blocking the permits on purpose. But at the very least, there is some incompetence going on. And it's really bad timing for it. And it can't be tolerated.

So email Gavin at AND call him at 415-554-6141
and for that matter, Fax him at 415-554-6160


Here's the letter I wrote - so you can just cut and paste it:

Dear Gavin,

Please grant World Can't Wait its protest permit for the October 5 Justin Herman Plaza event.

I hope this is just an oversight or something, and there aren't seriously people in your administration that are knowingly blocking these permits.

Thanks for your time,

Lisa Rein
address here


EMERGENCY NOTICE: OCT 5 permits being stalled - call


WCW has applied for permits to rally at Justin
Herman Plaza at noon, OCT 5 to march on Market
Street to a main rally with prominent speakers at
4PM in Union Square, and then to march back to
Justin Herman Plaza for the all-night vigil.

The San Francisco Police Department has denied the
march permit. The SF Recreation and Parks Department
is responsible for permits at the sites and has not
yet granted them.

Everyone who knows how important the October 5
demonstrations will be needs to call and email THIS
MORNING to let SF City officials know you support
the plans to rally, march and vigil on October 5.
Demand that all the permits be immediately granted
for the sites and routes applied for!

Please contact Mayor Newsom to urge him to take
urgent, immediate action to grant all requested
permits for World Can’t Wait on October 5-6. Please
also contact SF Supervisors and the General Manager
of the SF Recreation and Park Department. Letters
should clearly and respectfully state your reasons
for supporting the permit applications from World
Can’t Wait to demonstrate as part of the national
day of mass resistance called with actions across
the country.

Somebody's Name




NOTE: Supervisors Tom Ammiano, Chris Daly, and Ross
Mirkarimi are signators and supporters of the World
Can't Wait Call. Assemblymen Mark Leno and Leland
Yee have also signed the Call, as has State Senator
Carol Migden.

(1) Mayor Gavin Newsom: Phone: 415-554-6141 Fax 415-554-6160

City Hall, Room 200

(2) San Francisco Supervisors:

Tom Ammiano: (415) 554-5144 Fax 554-6255

Chris Daly: (415) 554-7970 Fax 554-7974

Ross Mirkarimi: (415) 554-7630 Fax 554-7634

Jake McGoldrick: (415) 554-7410 Fax 554-7415

Michela Alioto-Pier: (415) 554-7752 Fax 554-7843

Aaron Peskin: (415) 554-7450 Fax 554-7454

Fiona Ma: (415) 554-7460 Fax 554-7432

Sean Elsbernd (415) 554-6516 Fax 554-6546

Bevan Dufty: (415) 554-6968 Fax 554-6909

Sophie Maxwell: (415) 554-7670 Fax 554-7674

Gerardo Sandoval: (415) 554-6975 Fax 554-6977

(3) Mr. Yomi Agunbiade, General Manager (415)

San Francisco Recreation and Park Department




World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime!
2940 16th Street
San Francisco, California 94103
(415) 864 5153


Read “The Call to
Drive Out the Bush Regime”
and take a look at
the rest of the site!! See today's reason to Drive
Them Out located on the right side of our Home Page.

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World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime! | 2940 16th Street | San Francisco | CA
| 94103

Posted by Lisa at September 21, 2006 08:13 AM
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)