First Amendment Under Attack
March 18, 2003
Crux Of The Dixie Chicks Situation

This situation just goes to show that it was the Music Programming layer of the system, not the listener layer, that pulled the Dixie Chicks from station playlists over Natalie's statements.

That's the issue here: programmers took it upon themselves to censor the Chicks before listeners had a chance to say anything. That's where the McCarthyism parallel kicks in. The Chicks got blacklisted by a few key people within a Monopolized Media: not by infuriated listeners.

Many thanks to Dale Carter, programming director at KFKF/Kansas City for rethinking the situation and speaking out on this important issue!

Country Radio Still Weighing Chicks Controversy

One major market programmer removed the Chicks from his station's playlist but changed his mind after considering why Americans have fought previous wars. In a letter to listeners posted on the KFKF/Kansas City Web site, program director Dale Carter wrote, "Our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines are over there fighting for our rights -- and one of those is our Constitutional right to express an unpopular opinion. The longer this has gone on, the more I had visions of censorship and McCarthyism. Two wrongs don't make a right. I agree with the 80 percent of you who abhor what Natalie said in London. On the other hand, I believe in the Constitution."

Here is the full text of the article in case the link goes bad:

Dixie Chicks
Country Radio Still Weighing Chicks Controversy

Calvin Gilbert

With heated debate continuing over Natalie Maines' comment about President George W. Bush, country radio listeners may be determining the Dixie Chicks' future -- at least for the short term.

Just like postings on Internet message boards, phone calls to radio stations have been hot and heavy in the aftermath of the Texas-based trio's Monday night (March 10) concert in London. During the concert, Maines told the crowd, "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas." The band later posted an explanation on their official Web site outlining their views of a possible war with Iraq.

Some radio stations immediately dropped the Dixie Chicks from their playlist after news surfaced of Maines' remark. Rumors were circulating Friday afternoon (March 14) that one sizable chain of stations would be initiating a boycott of Chicks titles during the weekend. Most, however, appear to be taking a "wait and see" attitude as they seek input from their listeners. Several stations are running polls and asking for additional comments via their Web sites.

The Chicks' "Travelin' Soldier," is No. 1 on Billboard's latest country singles chart, but weekend boycotts at major market stations could easily prevent the track from remaining at the top when the next chart is compiled Monday (March 17).

"They're about where they were at this point last week, as far as spins," Billboard country charts editor Wade Jessen told "But with three more days left to go, depending on what happens, they could either stay at one or they'll get knocked out. At this point in the week, they're maintaining their airplay on 'Travelin' Soldier,' but we won't know until Monday morning what it looks like."

Noting that Americans were more unified in the early '90s during Operation Desert Storm, Jessen adds, "I think this is new territory, and it's very, very sensitive and very emotional. It's particularly sensitive in the country format because we're really where patriotism lives. Country is the format with the audience that expects patriotism. But at this time in the nation's history, there's a lot of confusion over just what patriotism is and what constitutes it."

In Bush's hometown of Midland, Texas, radio station KNFM's Web site offers a direct link to The Guardian, the London newspaper that first reported Maines' remark. The station has also stopped playing Dixie Chicks music as part of an on-air promotion billed as "Chicks Free -- Texas Pride Weekend." KNFM operations manager John Moesch said, "Natalie Maines certainly has the right to say whatever she wants, but it doesn't mean that the KNFM listener family here in George W. Bush's hometown have to listen."

Elsewhere in Texas, online polls are being conducted by KILT and KKBQ in Houston and at KSCS in Dallas. The KSCS poll has a bit of a disclaimer: "At 96.3 KSCS we disagree with her [Maines]. We're not only proud to be from Texas, but we're proud of President George W. Bush and the fact that he is from Texas."

One major market programmer removed the Chicks from his station's playlist but changed his mind after considering why Americans have fought previous wars. In a letter to listeners posted on the KFKF/Kansas City Web site, program director Dale Carter wrote, "Our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines are over there fighting for our rights -- and one of those is our Constitutional right to express an unpopular opinion. The longer this has gone on, the more I had visions of censorship and McCarthyism. Two wrongs don't make a right. I agree with the 80 percent of you who abhor what Natalie said in London. On the other hand, I believe in the Constitution."

Carter concluded, "In light of what our men and women are about to do, this whole controversy is very small. Let me close with the most important sentiments any of us can express: God bless our troops, pray for the people of Iraq and may God continue to bless the United States of America."

Posted by Lisa at March 18, 2003 09:09 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

It is a strange thing we had all these things, mostly circled around, "freedom". Those aregone.
Bush's push through the election have "time' Legislated by the supreme count, now has been thrown into a war.

Enough time. Hmmm, Germany and Frace suggested 40 more days.

No, give them imposible demands then try to asasinate(hmmm sp) the leader of a country wil missles.

Hmmm,. I babble.....

R. seitz

Posted by: R. Seitz on March 20, 2003 10:42 PM

The radio stations where I live ASKED the listeners to call in to voice their opinions of whether or not to ban the Dixie Chicks. So I don't buy the garbage that you're spewing out.

I hope it's not too late for the Dixie Chicks to regain respect and continue having a great career. I do hope Ms. Maines would THINK next time and not be so stupid in her comments on ANYTHING she says!

Posted by: Sue on March 23, 2003 07:38 PM


Posted by: KEITH on March 26, 2003 01:57 PM

I thought this was a good letter and wanted to share it.


Letter from radio station website in Lubbock, home of the Dixie Chick that spewed forth about our president...


From: LT Layne McDowell
Date: 03/15/03
Time: 01:54:49 PM

Comment: An open letter to the Dixie Chicks:

Earlier this week, while performing in London, you stated that you were ashamed that our President is from your home state. I wonder if you realized how many Americans would be listening. This American was listening. This Texan is ashamed that you come from my state. I serve my country as an officer in the United States Navy. Specifically, I fly F-14 Tomcats off carriers around the world, executing the missions that preserve the very freedom you claim to exercise. I have proudly fought for my country in the skies over Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan without regret.
Though I may disagree wholeheartedly with your comments, I will defend to the death your right to say them in America. But for you to travel to a foreign land and publicly criticize our Commander in Chief is cowardice behavior. Would you have so willingly made those comments while performing for a patriotic, flag-waving crowd of Texans in Lubbock. I would imagine not.

How dare you pocket profits off songs about soldiers, their deaths and patriotism while criticizing their Commander in Chief abroad, even while they prepare to give their lives to ensure your own freedom of speech. Please ask yourself, what have you done to deserve that sacrifice? Do not try to justify your comments by claiming that you made them only because you care about innocent lives. Never once in our history have we committed troops to war for the purpose of taking innocent lives. We do it to protect innocent lives, even yours.

If the world leaders of the late 1930's had the vision and courage of our present Commander in Chief, perhaps the evil men who caused the death of millions in WWII would have never had the opportunity to harm a soul. The potential loss of millions of lives in the future at the hands of today's evil men necessitate action.

In a separate correspondence, I am returning to you each and every Dixie Chicks CD and cassette that I have ever purchased. Never again will I allow my funds to support your behavior. All you have done is to add your name to a growing list of American "Celebrities" who have failed to realize that they have obtained their successes on the backs of the American blue-collar workers such as our servicemen and women.

This Texan, this American will continue to risk his life to guarantee your freedoms. What will you do to deserve it?

Posted by: Kathy on March 28, 2003 04:03 PM

The Dixie Chicks suck! Bless their hearts.

Posted by: Wayne on April 2, 2003 11:42 PM

We need to stand behind our service men/women and for the president of the united states.
I will not spend my money for there music.

Posted by: Cindy on April 7, 2003 07:26 AM

Natalie is a bitch. Time to change singers again.

Posted by: y on April 7, 2003 12:37 PM

dixie chicks are awesome and spoke their minds.. Bush is an idiot.. and id be ashamed as well... more people need to ban together and get that dummy out of power...

Posted by: matt on April 7, 2003 06:19 PM

dixie chicks are awesome and spoke their minds.. Bush is an idiot.. and id be ashamed as well... more people need to ban together and get that dummy out of power...

Posted by: matt on April 7, 2003 06:21 PM

Bocott Dixie Chicks. I never liked Natalie anyway. She's a ok singer who got an easy break because of her dad. She can't even keep her marriage together. Take care of your issues at home before you try to solve the world's issues Natalie!!!


Posted by: George on April 8, 2003 10:04 AM

Bocott Dixie Chicks. I never liked Natalie anyway. She's a ok singer who got an easy break because of her dad. She can't even keep her marriage together. Take care of your issues at home before you try to solve the world's issues Natalie!!!


Posted by: George on April 8, 2003 10:05 AM

Bocott Dixie Chicks. I never liked Natalie anyway. She's a ok singer who got an easy break because of her dad. She can't even keep her marriage together. Take care of your issues at home before you try to solve the world's issues Natalie!!!


Posted by: George on April 8, 2003 10:05 AM

Bocott Dixie Chicks. I never liked Natalie anyway. She's a ok singer who got an easy break because of her dad. She can't even keep her marriage together. Take care of your issues at home before you try to solve the world's issues Natalie!!!


Posted by: George on April 8, 2003 10:05 AM

Bocott Dixie Chicks. I never liked Natalie anyway. She's a ok singer who got an easy break because of her dad. She can't even keep her marriage together. Take care of your issues at home before you try to solve the world's issues Natalie!!!


Posted by: George on April 8, 2003 10:05 AM

Down with the chicks.
They should move to Iran

Posted by: shelby on April 9, 2003 02:32 PM

for your info. dixie chicks suck and until they or whoever is supporting them comes up to the presidents rank and proves that he is an idiot and doesn't know what he is doing and handles this better than it is you who is the idiot and you aren't using the brain God gave you. he is there protecting your rights and lives or trying to anyways and i'm sure he doesn't need you bullshitting him. use your brain and god bless.

Posted by: Val on April 13, 2003 05:23 PM

for your info. dixie chicks suck and until they or whoever is supporting them comes up to the presidents rank and proves that he is an idiot and doesn't know what he is doing and handles this better than it is you who is the idiot and you aren't using the brain God gave you. he is there protecting your rights and lives or trying to anyways and i'm sure he doesn't need you bullshitting him. use your brain and god bless.

Posted by: Val on April 13, 2003 05:24 PM

Just for the record, I am an avid country music fan. I am outraged at the comments made by "the Chicks". Such a shame. A talented group of musicians, such anti-patriots! Shame on the
Chicks -

I will never purchase another video or cd put forth by this group.

God Bless America, Stand beside Her and guide Her....! God Bless our Service men & women.
May they walk always in God's care and return home safe & proud.

Thanks to President Bush - The first leader in a long time to act as leader should in protecting
both the American people, and the foundations of FREEDOM.

Posted by: patriot on April 14, 2003 06:29 PM

Just for the record, I am an avid country music fan. I am outraged at the comments made by "the Chicks". Such a shame. A talented group of musicians, such anti-patriots! Shame on the
Chicks -

I will never purchase another video or cd put forth by this group.

God Bless America, Stand beside Her and guide Her....! God Bless our Service men & women.
May they walk always in God's care and return home safe & proud.

Thanks to President Bush - The first leader in a long time to act as leader should in protecting
both the American people, and the foundations of FREEDOM.

Posted by: patriot on April 14, 2003 06:29 PM

Just for the record, I am an avid country music fan. I am outraged at the comments made by "the Chicks". Such a shame. A talented group of musicians, such anti-patriots! Shame on the
Chicks -

I will never purchase another video or cd put forth by this group.

God Bless America, Stand beside Her and guide Her....! God Bless our Service men & women.
May they walk always in God's care and return home safe & proud.

Thanks to President Bush - The first leader in a long time to act as leader should in protecting
both the American people, and the foundations of FREEDOM.

Posted by: patriot on April 14, 2003 06:30 PM

i never liked the chicks and to say something bad about the leaders hime state was ignorate, did she not relize she's from there too? she's a moron

Posted by: kh on April 17, 2003 08:57 AM

matt is an idiot, much like his idols the dixie
shits. by the way, the term is band together you
stupid turd. go dubya.

Posted by: jon on April 18, 2003 02:52 PM

I Feel that alot of hoopla has gone on about the "cooments" by the DC's.
Someone, some where took an innocent, frustrated comment spoken in front of a crowd and blew it WAY out of purportion.
Leave it to a reporter from another country to take a small comment and make it into an international incident.
Hello!!! Let's grow up and smell the Coffee.
We need to worry more about supporting our people, and to keeping the home fires burning, then we do about a reporter from London trying to make a name for herself on the skirts of American celebrity.

Posted by: Sandi on April 24, 2003 08:12 AM

I Feel that alot of hoopla has gone on about the "cooments" by the DC's.
Someone, some where took an innocent, frustrated comment spoken in front of a crowd and blew it WAY out of purportion.
Leave it to a reporter from another country to take a small comment and make it into an international incident.
Hello!!! Let's grow up and smell the Coffee.
We need to worry more about supporting our people, and to keeping the home fires burning, then we do about a reporter from London trying to make a name for herself on the skirts of American celebrity.

Posted by: Sandi on April 24, 2003 08:13 AM

I Feel that alot of hoopla has gone on about the "cooments" by the DC's.
Someone, some where took an innocent, frustrated comment spoken in front of a crowd and blew it WAY out of purportion.
Leave it to a reporter from another country to take a small comment and make it into an international incident.
Hello!!! Let's grow up and smell the Coffee.
We need to worry more about supporting our people, and to keeping the home fires burning, then we do about a reporter from London trying to make a name for herself on the skirts of American celebrity.

Posted by: Sandi on April 24, 2003 08:14 AM

I Feel that alot of hoopla has gone on about the "cooments" by the DC's.
Someone, some where took an innocent, frustrated comment spoken in front of a crowd and blew it WAY out of purportion.
Leave it to a reporter from another country to take a small comment and make it into an international incident.
Hello!!! Let's grow up and smell the Coffee.
We need to worry more about supporting our people, and to keeping the home fires burning, then we do about a reporter from London trying to make a name for herself on the skirts of American celebrity.

Posted by: Sandi on April 24, 2003 08:14 AM

Here is why Natalie's statement wasn't appropriate. If she disagreed with an idea, attack the idea! The statement about Mr President is pretty much an attack on a person. It's anti-Bush, not anti-war! Let's get this straight!!! Such an immatured statement is nothing but a malign, judgement, and verbal harassment.
Moreover, exploiting public access with that evil talk is worth every bit of this consequence. Now, she's in the shoes of a publicly-harassed person herself, but can still be arrogant about it IS PATHETIC. It's OK to make mistakes, but it's not OK to stubbernly try to justify her wrong doing.
For all the Chicks and all failing human:
Great minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people. (unknown source)

Posted by: A foreigner who loves America on April 24, 2003 09:04 PM

I am abhored not so much by Natalie Maines poor choice of words, but by so called, "Patriotic Americans", saying she should move to the Middle East.

Those who say such things should themselves move to Iraq, since they might feel much more at home in a place where dissent is punished rather than accepted.

I am a patriotic American, I support our troops for what they must do and I am not convinced that Bush was right in beginning this war. I resent the thinking that my opposition is tantamount to anti Americanism. One of our founding Patriots said and I paraphrase: I do not agree with what he says, but I will defend to my death his right to say it.

Now THAT sentiment is what this country is supposed to be all about.

Posted by: Jim Ginch on April 26, 2003 01:36 AM

i will forgive bagdhad maines when she licks the feces out of saddams dead ass

Posted by: VJ on April 30, 2003 06:42 PM

i will forgive bagdhad maines when she licks the feces out of saddams dead ass

Posted by: vj evers on April 30, 2003 06:44 PM

You know The Dixie Chicks are just as human as the next person. Yes we may have all said something we wish we could take back, and yes YOU ALL HAVE!!! But they are normal and all the trouble and comments and contoversy that has been stirred up is just causing more hate and problems in this world so let it rest and lets start coming together in this world! Whats been said has been said dont continue to look back look ahead.. LET IT REST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Mandy H on June 8, 2003 02:08 PM

im a big supporter of our president. i also liked the dixie chicks, but i dont support their views and wish they would say they are sorry.i know they have the right to say what they want but in another country was just awful. i want buy their songs anymore because we the fans made them.they should just stick to singing and not polites. thanks

Posted by: david on July 13, 2003 01:02 PM

Im sure that you girls dont look at every e mail that comes in but just in case I figured I would give you my oppinun. Thank you for bringing back a little bit of bluegrass to country. Now you say that you dont want to be a part country music? ///// Well go to hell you fat bitch!! Classic country , got you where you are today. Keep the country in our music!!!

Posted by: Matthew P urvis on September 24, 2003 04:52 PM

Im sure that you girls dont look at every e mail that comes in but just in case I figured I would give you my oppinun. Thank you for bringing back a little bit of bluegrass to country. Now you say that you dont want to be a part country music? ///// Well go to hell you fat bitch!! Classic country , got you where you are today. Keep the country in our music!!!

Posted by: Matthew P urvis on September 24, 2003 04:53 PM

We've always enjoyed the Dixe Chicks and their
We support these girls,great band.
Natalie was condemned by a small peoples-
who also wanted to take French out of French Fries , oh wow.
The truth is the truth,thank you Gals.
Stand up for your Rights.
You Have a lot of Fans

Posted by: RON TRICKEL on September 26, 2003 07:39 PM

the dixie chicks rock and i support them completely and so does my mom and ....well my dad likes toby keith when i get mad at him i blare! dixie chicks music ts tons of fun and if you dont support them well lets rephrase natalie speaking to toby keith and insted of toby keith put your name in their!!!! ok?

Posted by: Brianna on November 22, 2003 05:28 AM

the dixie chicks rock and i support them completely and so does my mom and ....well my dad likes toby keith when i get mad at him i blare! dixie chicks music ts tons of fun and if you dont support them well lets rephrase natalie speaking to toby keith and insted of toby keith put your name in their!!!! ok?

Posted by: Brianna on November 22, 2003 05:28 AM

the dixie chicks rock and i support them completely and so does my mom and ....well my dad likes toby keith when i get mad at him i blare! dixie chicks music ts tons of fun and if you dont support them well lets rephrase natalie speaking to toby keith and insted of toby keith put your name in their!!!! ok?

Posted by: Brianna on November 22, 2003 05:29 AM

the dixie chicks rock and i support them completely and so does my mom and ....well my dad likes toby keith when i get mad at him i blare! dixie chicks music ts tons of fun and if you dont support them well lets rephrase natalie speaking to toby keith and insted of toby keith put your name in their!!!! ok?

Posted by: Brianna on November 22, 2003 05:29 AM

the dixie chicks suck and are traitors, President Bush is a good God fearing man. The chicks are materialistic self centered trash!!!

Posted by: guy on August 7, 2004 10:35 AM

I think that it is terrible that the Dixie Chicks sing "Traveling Soldier" about Osama Bin Laden. I just had to write than. It is really wrong.

Posted by: Rinta Brinks on August 20, 2004 09:27 AM

dixie chick's desire of love should be that we from time to time will love and hate thou
we must remember we are never perfect and as much as a pick low band and hope of a love one to come back i certianly at times in worry curse the person who brought the worry thou at the same breath respect that love and war is n'nt alllway's fair and support that person too.
thou to ban someone for haveing true feeling's is to be red neck with out a heart we all love an sharein sprirt let's give the joy they have given that life goes on and creation of birth is that we can injoy fasther to son even in fear of lose of a love one anger and hate go side by side . even a unwanted pregence is a joy in remebrence of compassion . let as support and nopt judge feeling's and statement's as hurt because the rime sticks and stones may break my bones but names will allway's give me a out let to stress and in saying that what i feel isn't nesscary what i feel to morrow or the next day .

Posted by: loch of loch on September 17, 2004 10:33 AM
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