May 10, 2003 - Free Peace Concert In Golden Gate Park
May 12, 2003
Audrey Howard and Lisa Rein At Saturday's Mother's Day Concert

Yep. That's me singing harmonies and my buddy Audrey Howard on guitar and lead vocals.

Lisa Rein and Audrey Howard - Life During Wartime (Small - 8 MB)

Lisa Rein and Audrey Howard - Life During Wartime (Hi-Res - 132 MB)

Audio - Lisa Rein and Audrey Howard - Life During Wartime (MP3 - 3 MB)

Posted by Lisa at May 12, 2003 02:42 PM | TrackBack
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)

great version of the song lisa and audrey. you both rock! -- best, mark

Posted by: Mark on May 12, 2003 10:02 PM

Hamilton 21May 2003

Dear audry.

I was very impressed with your book ( A Day Will Come )

As I saw you are born in 1929 the same year I was born.

I emigrated as a youg Dutch soldier serving in Suriname to New Zealand were i have done very well in dairy farming and are retired now.

I have written 2 short stories de first one in Dutch called De Boeren Knechto(The Farm Hand)
The comments I did get were very good.

The second book was called (Days Of My Live)

I Like your writing becouse it seems to be my way of writing but ofcourse i am only a amatuer but i still hope to write a book of my life in New Zealand and your books encourresed me and I would rearly apprisiate if you think i can do it as my adication is limited,
Yours Sincereley Matt-Janssen.
Matt Janssen
162 Harewood Way
Alandale Village

Posted by: Matt Janssen on May 20, 2003 03:47 PM

Sweet.. you two kick serious ignorant butt.. (a compliment, to be sure! :) Peace is how I've mnaged to live in this world, and I love sharnig it with people.

Hugs not bombs!

Posted by: Beastlierthanthou on May 21, 2003 04:48 PM
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