Bye-Bye Cheney
April 14, 2006
Joseph Wilson On Keith Olbermann

This is from the April 10, 2006 program of
Countdown with Keith Olbermann

As always, Keith Olbermann is the only guy in the news media thoroughly covering this story.

Joseph Wilson clarifies the details and emphasizes seriousness of the situation.

In a nutshell, President Bush, Cheney and Karl Rove are traitors. Together, they conspired to out Valerie Plame as a CIA agent in retaliation for her husband's going to the media about how Saddam hadn't really purchased uranium from Niger, and therefore, how Iraq's WMDs didn't exist.

Video - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - All
(37 MB)

Video - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - Intro
(9 MB)

Video - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - Wilson Interview
(13 MB)

Video - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - Shuster Analysis
(10 MB)

Audio - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - All
(18 MB)

Audio - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - Intro
(5 MB)

Audio - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - Wilson Interview
(9 MB)

Audio - Joe Wilson on Olbermann - Shuster Analysis
(6 MB)

Posted by Lisa at April 14, 2006 02:33 PM
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)