Vloggercon 2006
June 09, 2006
Heading to Vloggercon tomorrow

Hey I'm actually venturing out into the world again
(now that I've overcome my post post-education burnout :-)

I'm hoping to show everyone the new application I've been working on with Mary Hodder:

Dabble is a video search and remix community. You can use it to bookmark all the videos you like on all the different hosting sites and keep them organized all in one place.

We're still in a closed beta, but I'm allowed to invite my readers -- and anyone going to
Vloggercon. So send me an email and I'll hook you up.
(And then you can invite your friends.)

Email me your RSS feed too, so I can add it to our search engine.

Hope to see you this weekend. I'll be the tall girl with the long hair wearing a "dabbler" t-shirt.

see you there!

Posted by Lisa at June 09, 2006 10:56 AM
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)