Election 2006 - Paying Attention
November 07, 2006
Some Playlists On The Day's Events

It was very interesting to wake up at 4:50 am to Tim Russert on IMUS in the morning talking about exit polls:

The organization that's in charge of the exit polls used to provide the first wave at noon or one o'clock.

Now, a representative can come from each of the subscribers and come in to a dark room with no windows, no telephone, no tv, and they are "quarantined."

They are put in this room. And no one from the networks can see anything till 5pm.

I stuck in a video tape and reset my alarm.

When I awoke again at 7:15, the reports of voting machine problems were in full swing:

MSNBC On Bogus phone calls giving false information to voters.

MSNBC On Early Voting Problem in Florida

Everything in this post, and more, as a single playlist is located here:
Election 2006 - Same Day Coverage

Election 2006 - Republican's Dirty Tricks playlist

Posted by Lisa at November 07, 2006 06:35 PM
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)