Dixie Chicks Blacklisting
December 18, 2006
New Movie Out On 2003 Dixie Chicks Controversy

I'm sure many of you remember the Great Dixie Chicks Blacklisting Controversy of 2003, when Natalie Maines said she was ashamed the president was from Texas, and then Clear Channel made a top down decision to ban her band from the airwaves.

Well Christoher Fleeger sent me a DVD of his new movie, Protesting the Dixie Chicks and I thought it was great!

There's a trailer available on the official website.

Another clip is up on YouTube, and Christopher promised that he would upload another clip about the FCC Radio Consolidation issues soon too.

Posted by Lisa at December 18, 2006 07:26 PM
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)