Election 2008
November 04, 2008
A Message From Lawrence Lessig Today: An Urgent Plea

Lawrence published this message last night from New Zealand:
Winning Tuesday: An urgent plea to Obama supporters

I awoke in New Zealand today to an article in the New Zealand Herald, and I had a strange sense of deja vu. It is still Monday in America. And like the Monday before the 2004 election, and the Monday before the 2000 election, there is enormous confidence among Democrats that we are going to win this.

But as with 2000, and 2004, I have become a bit terrified about where
we'll be Tuesday. For as presented by the New Zealand Herald, however
optimistic the static view of the swing states is, the dynamic view —
what is the trend — is sobering, to say the least. As this graph
shows, only Florida is trending in the right direction. Every other
critical state is trending away from Obama.

Now of course, maybe not quickly enough. Of course, the advantages are
significant, especially relative to 2004. And of course, McCain would
have to move mountains to overcome the enormous machine that the Obama
campaign has built.

But here's the weird deja vu I feel. In 2004, I got on a plane Tuesday
to fly to London. When I got on the plane, I watched every pundit, as
well as Kerry's daughter, speak about how all the polls were with
Kerry. The "exit polls" indicated a clear Kerry victory. But then when
I landed, I sat it utter disbelief in the United lounge at Heathrow,
watching the Ohio numbers go against us, and therefore, delivering 4
more years to Bush.

We Democrats have trouble closing the deal. We have trouble continuing
the push to the very last moment. We have repeatedly been blindsided
by the fact that the other side votes regardless of the expected
result, while we're more contingent — making the effort if it seems
necessary, relaxing when it doesn't.

Please, don't let this happen again. Please, if you're an Obama
supporter, do absolutely everything you can in the next 24 hours to
make sure every single possible Obama vote turns out to vote...

There is an energy I have never imagined could be behind any
politician. I have known for more than a decade that this man is the
real deal. And it gives me enormous hope for this democracy that we
are about to vote to make him President.

Unless we don't. Unless we let this slip by, again. Unless we sit in
our comfortable cubicle, and let politics be run by the other side.

Don't do this. Do something this time. Please at least help spread
this message. Make sure everyone who could matter here knows what you
believe. And don't stop until the clock runs out.

Here is the full text of the entire post:

Winning Tuesday: An urgent plea to Obama supporters
November 3, 2008 10:46 PM - comments (13)

I awoke in New Zealand today to an article in the New Zealand Herald,
and I had a strange sense of deja vu. It is still Monday in America.
And like the Monday before the 2004 election, and the Monday before
the 2000 election, there is enormous confidence among Democrats that
we are going to win this.

But as with 2000, and 2004, I have become a bit terrified about where
we'll be Tuesday. For as presented by the New Zealand Herald, however
optimistic the static view of the swing states is, the dynamic view —
what is the trend — is sobering, to say the least. As this graph
shows, only Florida is trending in the right direction. Every other
critical state is trending away from Obama.

Now of course, maybe not quickly enough. Of course, the advantages are
significant, especially relative to 2004. And of course, McCain would
have to move mountains to overcome the enormous machine that the Obama
campaign has built.

But here's the weird deja vu I feel. In 2004, I got on a plane Tuesday
to fly to London. When I got on the plane, I watched every pundit, as
well as Kerry's daughter, speak about how all the polls were with
Kerry. The "exit polls" indicated a clear Kerry victory. But then when
I landed, I sat it utter disbelief in the United lounge at Heathrow,
watching the Ohio numbers go against us, and therefore, delivering 4
more years to Bush.

We Democrats have trouble closing the deal. We have trouble continuing
the push to the very last moment. We have repeatedly been blindsided
by the fact that the other side votes regardless of the expected
result, while we're more contingent — making the effort if it seems
necessary, relaxing when it doesn't.

Please, don't let this happen again. Please, if you're an Obama
supporter, do absolutely everything you can in the next 24 hours to
make sure every single possible Obama vote turns out to vote.
Volunteer for a phone bank, or use my.barackobama.com to phone bank
from home. And beyond this, do the sort of things that too few of us
ever have the courage to do: Express to your friends, and anyone you
know, why you want them to support your candidate. Send an email with
a personal story, or an argument important to you, to as many people
as you can. Apologize for the intrusion, but intrude nonetheless. (How
weird is it that engaging people about democratic issues in a
democracy is generally viewed as inappropriate). And don't let up
until 8pm Pacific time.

I'm doing this. I'm exhorting you. I'm writing to everyone on my
twitter/facebook/indenti.ca/flickr lists. If I can find an smtp server
that will let me, I'll dump an email to as many of my friends as I can
telling them they this is so important. And when my plane lands in the
US Tuesday morning, I will join my wife (who is running a phone bank
in San Francisco), spending the day on the phone). I will mark myself
as weird in doing all this, no doubt. But we can all afford this, if
only just once in our life.

I understand the other side has their reasons. I respect them, even if
I disagree with them. But I am genuinely afraid about what happens to
our side if we let this slip away. There is enormous energy and
passion among young people for Obama. There is a passion and hope that
makes me cry each time I think about it among African Americans, and
those who think about and live the discrimination of our past, and
present. There is an energy I have never imagined could be behind any
politician. I have known for more than a decade that this man is the
real deal. And it gives me enormous hope for this democracy that we
are about to vote to make him President.

Unless we don't. Unless we let this slip by, again. Unless we sit in
our comfortable cubicle, and let politics be run by the other side.

Don't do this. Do something this time. Please at least help spread
this message. Make sure everyone who could matter here knows what you
believe. And don't stop until the clock runs out.

Posted by Lisa at November 04, 2008 06:29 AM
Me A to Z (A Work In Progress)