Category Archives: Camping Out At Eldred

A Walk Down Memory Lane With My Eldred Movies

Perhaps you haven’t seen my movies from Camping Out In Front Of Eldred yet.
There’s a comprehensive video/article in the works, but I don’t mind you peeking at the usable footage. (Yes it was too dark — I had to lighten it up in Premiere. Yes it’s one of the first films after taking a nearly ten year hiatus and yes, you can really tell.)
And yes, I am still pretty upset about the whole thing. But we gave it our best shot, right? And because of this, I know that I will feel just a little bit better when I’m explaining to the children of the future about what happened because I’ll be able to tell them truthfully that we didn’t go down without a fight.
It will be just like when I’m trying to explain to them about a world that used to exist before the soon-to-be-state-of-perpetual War. It will feel better than if I had done nothing and had to explain how we all just rolled over and let our country be stolen away from us from a man who was never elected.
I will be able to say proudly that we fought very hard to stop it from happening — and I think it will feel better. Then.
I don’t feel so good now though — about either situation.

The Lawmeme Dudes At Eldred

Ernest Miller and Raul Ruiz from Yale’s Lawmeme Blog were there all night with us in front of the Supreme Court last Tuesday night.
(Good thing I had extra blankets!)
They have posted recently regarding the event:

Lawmeme: Live From Eldred v. Ashcroft – I

Justice Breyer was particularly hard on the government’s position. He brought in a number of economic arguments. Basically, he made the point that the expected value of the extended copyright was so small as to be virtually zero. He also asked whether the government could recopyright Ben Johnson. The government did not say “no.” Justice Stevens appeared skeptical of the government’s arguments. The government made much of the inequities of not providing retroactive and prospective extension together. Scalia questioned whether the inequities argument could be turned around. J. Breyer, in essence, answered “yes” by claiming that existing copyright owners get all the benefit and, inequitably, prospective copyright owners get very little benefit.
Although four justices were not satisfied with the government’s arguments on retrospective copyright extensions, it is far from clear or even likely that Eldred will get the 5 votes necessary to overturn the statute. However, hope springs eternal.

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Seth’s Eldred Experience

Seth Schoen has written up his account of our little adventure.

Lisa Rein and a big group of us had planned to meet at the Supreme Court and camp out on the steps of the Court overnight in order to be certain of hearing the Eldred argument. (Amy Harmon recently called Lessig a “rock star” — I guess it’s really true.) We had a list of cell phone numbers and a specific plan and schedule to try to make sure that our group of about ten very dedicated people would definitely manage to hear the oral argument in the morning. We’d already heard that lines would form early and grow quickly.
Lisa, who really seems good at organizing things, had managed to go to an Army surplus store earlier in the day and buy a huge number of cheap, warm blankets, as well as making some tea. By the time Aaron Swartz and I got to the Court, shortly before midnight, Lisa had already been there for hours.
Indeed, by the time we got there, the group had already ordered pizza, and was having a late-night dinner. (The Supreme Court Police Department night shift told them where to call to get pizza delivered until 1:00a — I guess it ought to come as no surprise that the SCPD would know that sort of thing.) It was strange to see a little camp with blankets, sleeping bags, clothing, backpacks, and pizza assembled with the Court (or the Capitol, if you looked from the other direction) as a backdrop. I briefly hung my suit from a tree.

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Camping Out At Eldred – Notes Part Two – The People’s Guide To Getting Tickets For The Supreme Court

I’ve written up some Notes on how the Ticket Line works at the Supreme Court based on what I’ve learned from my Eldred experience.
This batch seems to have taken the form of a “Guide to Obtaining Public Seats at the Supreme Court.”
Soon I’ll get around to writing up what I actually saw in there — I’m still on the road and just wanted to make sure to get another batch of notes up today.
I will still be compiling these together into a comprehensive document when I’m done.

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Mr. Swartz Goes To Washington

Aaron Swartz has written up his Eldred experience.

They dropped us off in front of the Supreme Court, where Lisa Rein and others set up camp. “We’re an emerging society!” Lisa said, jumping up and down. Seth put down his bags and hung his suit on a tree. Lisa asked us all who we were and why we came and videotaped our answers. We talked, ate pizza (we asked them to deliver it to the Supreme Court (1 First Street), which they did) and played Set long into the night.

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Camping Out At Eldred – Notes Part One

Below is what I managed to write at 3am from the front steps of the Supreme Court. I meant to post it that night, but things started getting really hectic as the hour of 6am approached because we had to all take turns going back to a room I had rented close by so we could all change into our court clothes and dump off all of our blankets and stuff.
I’m going to keep posting these in small segments, but I will be putting them all together into some kind of a comprehensive document next week (I’ll be on the road till next Tuesday.)

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