Tag Archives: Chelsea Manning for U.S. Senate

My Friend Chelsea Manning Is Running For A Senate Seat In Maryland

Yay! See her new website here.

Of particular importance is her Issues page, by which, in my world, all other candidates will be judged. (I’ll be doing a lot of that comparing right here 🙂

This election is SOOOO important folks. Even though it’s a mid-term election – nothing less than the future of our country is at stake.

Chelsea’s positions might just be “dream” positions. Re: how we would make things if we only could. Well, what if we tried to make these positions really happen?

And insisted that other candidates at least went in that direction, for us to support them?

We would end up with something at least a little closer to the ideals we want. That’s what. I, for one, am going to try.

It’s not just about getting any old democrats elected. It’s about taking advantage of this opportunity to elect some real game changers. Like Chelsea! 🙂

Learn more about Chelsea on her website! Yay! 🙂