Tag Archives: White Supremacy

Chelsea Manning Speaks Out Against the Silent Sam Monument

New – Saturday May 5 –  SilenceSam.com website!

#StandWithMaya this #April7 – Background hereRally info here

Chelsea Manning protesting at the Silent Sam Monument, on March 24, 2018.

Chelsea Manning attended the Silent Sam protest on March 24, 2018 at the University of North Carolina.

The Silent Sam statue was erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in the hopes of creating a new image for white supremacists, one of the “Lost Cause” of the South. (Code for the “Lost Cause of the Confederacy.)

They made sure to put “Lost Cause” language into as many text books as they could, too. It’s one of the main reasons that southerners grow up with such an attitude about having pride in “the south” and their “southern traditions” etc. This is all code for looking back on a better time when people of color knew their place. (As in the  “lost tradition” of slavery.)

Why is this monument still standing? Because the University of North Carolina would rather pay thousands of dollars to guard its white supremacy statue than listen to its community about the correct way to proceed.

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