Category Archives: Election 2004 – Aftermath

Blackwell Interfering With Ohio Recount-Right On Schedule

Oopsy. Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell promised America that he would not interfere with a recount. Now his office has instructed employees that Ohio voting records are not considered “public records.”
That means that Kenneth Blackwell has been caught in a big fat lie. And I’ve got the proof (I provide video and a transcript):
Last week, he promised in an interview with MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann that he wouldn’t do anything to interfere with the recount. He said he would consider it “yet another audit of the voting process.”
Here’s the story detailing Blackwell’s “lockdown” of the Ohio voting records:

Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers

By Ray Beckerman.

On Friday December 10 two certified volunteers for the Ohio Recount team assigned to Greene County were in process recording voting information from minority precincts in Greene County, and were stopped mid-count by a surprise order from Secretary of State Blackwell

Repubs Paid Programmers To Create “Vote Switching” Software

Update: this post now goes with this one. (Bev Harris weighing in on this story.)
Texas to Florida: White House-linked clandestine operation paid for “vote switching” software

By Wayne Madsen for the Online Journal.

According to a notarized affidavit signed by Clint Curtis, while he was employed by the NASA Kennedy Space Center contractor, Yang Enterprises, Inc., during 2000, Feeney solicited him to write a program to “control the vote.” At the time, Curtis was of the opinion that the program was to be used for preventing fraud in the in the 2002 election in Palm Beach County, Florida. His mind was changed, however, when the true intentions of Feeney became clear: the computer program was going to be used to suppress the Democratic vote in counties with large Democratic registrations.

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TODAY: Congressional Hearing On Ohio Voting Fraud On CSPAN At 7AM PST, 10 AM EST – Will Someone Please Tape It For Me?

According to the CSPAN Website, the congressional hearing with Rep Conyers will be broadcast on CSPAN.
Many thanks to those of you who emailed and called CSPAN to help make this possible. (I forgot to remind you yesterday, but I guess you guys had it under control 🙂
My cable company, Comcast, seems to think it’s more important to give me another home shopping channel than broadcast my country’s government to me (oh yes, they’ll be hearing from me), so I can’t tape it. So that means it’s up to one of you to hack the stream or grab it with your pvr or camera or vhs player for me to be able to store it in my archive.
At least we can all watch it online on CSPAN. I would much rather have a copy that I can study and analyze in the future.
Talk soon,

2004 VOTE
Review of Ohio Balloting
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Cmte., hosts a forum on the election in Ohio and possible irregularities in the vote itself and the subsequent counting of ballots. Many other Congressmen and interest group representatives take part in this event.

Another Peep Out Of The Democrats — They Are Asking The Obvious About Ohio

This just in from the Democratic Party.
They are still beating around the Shrub a bit. Because, of course, if Kerry won Ohio, it would overturn the election.

Democratic News
Dear Lisa,
Your response to Washington Governor candidate Christine Gregoire’s plea for help
has been overwhelming. Thanks to your generosity, the recount in Washington will now
go forward. With only 42 votes separating Gregoire and her Republican opponent,
today we can ensure that every ballot is accurately counted. This could not have
happened without you.
Your incredible grassroots support is vital to our continued fight to ensure a full
and legitimate count of every single vote in this election and future elections. In
addition to our strong commitment to the recount in Washington State, the Democratic
Party has empowered the Ohio Democratic Party to represent us as our official
observer during the recount. We will make sure that every vote in Ohio is counted.
But we aren’t stopping there. After consulting with our Voting Rights Institute
staff, Voting Protection Coordinators, Ohio legal team, Party activists, supporters,
elected officials, and others, and after reviewing available information, the
Democratic National Committee has decided to conduct a thorough investigation of key
election issues arising from the conduct of the 2004 general election in Ohio.
This investigative study will address the legitimate questions and concerns that
have been raised in Ohio and will develop factual information that will be
critically important in crafting further key election reforms. This project seeks to
answer such questions as:
* Why did so many people have to wait in line in certain Ohio precincts and not
* Why weren’t there enough machines in some counties and not others?
* Why were so many Ohioans forced to cast provisional ballots?
We will find answers to help implement and advocate reforms in the future.
Let me be clear. We do not expect either the recount in Ohio or our investigation to
overturn the results of this election. But both are vital to protecting every
American’s voting rights in future elections. And the Democratic Party will never
waver when it comes to upholding this sacred trust.
Thank you again for your incredible support.
Terry McAuliffe

Common Freaky Knowledge About The Affiliated Companies and People Behind Electronic Voting Machines (And The Processing Of The Votes By Those Machines)

Sure, you’ve heard all this information before. But it is pretty incredible. The foxes are guarding the hen houses big time.
from the google cache of

Diebold ranks third behind ES&S and Sequoia. Diebold manufactures an array of machines including ATM machines, ticket machines, and the like, and notably, only its voting machines fail to provide an auditable paper trail. CEO Wally O’Dell, a Bush Pioneer who has visited Bush at the Crawford Ranch, promised to deliver Ohio for Bush in 2004, and indeed he did. O’Dell sponsored a $600,000 fundraiser in his home for Dick Cheney (and attended by Cheney) in July 2003. Director WR “Tim” Timken is also a Bush Pioneer, and has donated over a million dollars to the Republican party since 1991.
Diebold is arguably the most political of the voting machine companies; its directors and corporate officers are staunch GOP contributors, including Louis Bockius III, Donald Gant and Eric Roorda. Since 2000, the company has donated $170,000 to the Republican National State Elections Committee. All of the $240,000 donated by Diebold’s directors and chief officers to political campaigns since 1998 has gone to GOP candidates or the party.
Admiral Bill Owens, a top Republican Party donor, military aide to Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary, is a former CEO of SIAC. On the board: Robert Gates, former CIA director, George H.W. Bush’s Deputy National Security Advisor and head of the George Bush School of Business. Owens and Gates are now on the Board of VoteHere, another voting machine company with strong ties to the defense industry.
Populex is responsible for Illinois’ e-voting system. Frank Carlucci, former CIA Director, is on its Advisory Board. Carlucci is a business partner of G H W Bush, and head of the Carlyle Group.
Spun off from Arthur Anderson in the wake of that nasty Enron scandal, Accenture reportedly has the exclusive government contract to provide electronic voting for the military. Accenture got into the voting biz when it acquired, a company funded by Saudi money. Accenture’s biggest business partner is Halliburton.

Congressional Hearing On Ohio Voting Fraud Set For Wednesday December 8, 2004 – Call CSPAN And Tell Them To Broadcast It

This just in from t r u t h o u t
(See the entire article under “More” below, including a letter to Kenneth Blackwell from Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Rep. Melvin Watt, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, and Rep. Tammy Baldwin.

Democratic Representative John Conyers, Jr. of Michigan, ranking Minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, will hold a hearing on Wednesday 08 December 2004 to investigate allegations of vote fraud and irregularities in Ohio during the 2004 Presidential election. The hearing is slated to begin at 10:00 a.m. EST in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington DC…
Any who wish to see this hearing receive wide attention should contact their Senators and Representatives and ask that they attend. Furthermore, any who wish to see this hearing receive wide attention should contact the television network C-SPAN and ask them to broadcast the event in its entirety. C-SPAN accepts suggestions for events to be broadcast at The network can also be contacted via telephone at (202) 737-3220.

I just sent the following letter:
Hi guys,
Democratic Representative John Conyers, Jr. of Michigan, ranking Minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, will hold a hearing on Wednesday 08 December 2004 to investigate allegations of vote fraud and irregularities in Ohio during the 2004 Presidential election. The hearing is slated to begin at 10:00 a.m. EST in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington DC.
I hope you will be broadcasting this event in its entirety.
Lisa Rein
Starting Monday morning, when their offices open, I’ll be calling every day to say the same thing the letter does. Hope you do the same. (I’ll post a reminder here, no worries 🙂

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Video and Transcript of Keith Olbermann’s Interview With Reverend Jesse Jackson

This is from the November 30, 2004 program of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”
It’s available in one big 18 MB file and two smaller files.

Report On Ohio Election and Interview with Jesse Jackson

This is the second of a series of programs covering the Jesse Jackson vs. Kenneth Blackwell developments. Kenneth Blackwell’s interview available here.
This transcript is word for word and unabridged.
11-30-04 – Transcript
It is four weeks to the day since the general election here turned George W. Bush to the White House for a second term. Tomorrow will be four weeks since John Kerry conceded. Tomorrow could also be, although the odds may be approximated at a billion to one, the day an Ohio Supreme Court Justice could change all that.
As he concluded his trip through Ohio, Jesse Jackson said its Supreme Court should consider setting aside the outcome there. Tomorrow, a political advocacy group plans to make a similar request directly to that Supreme Court. The Boston-based Alliance For Democracy is planning to file a “Contest of Election” tomorrow. The request requires a single Ohio Supreme Court Justice to either let the election stand, declare another winner, or throw the whole thing out.
The loser of any such decision can appeal to the full court, which, in Ohio, consists of five Republicans and two Democrats.
The appeal and recount process in Ohio was going along without too many people noticing until Reverend Jesse Jackson arrived in Colombus on Sunday. He called for a Federal Investigation of the vote count. He used the word “fraud.” Today, he wrote that the election was “marred by intolerable and often partisan irregularities and discrepancies.” And last night he was blasted, on this program, by Ohio’s Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, who insulted him on eight separate occasions although I only asked Secretary Blackwell about Reverend Jackson once.
Reverend Jackson joins us now from Philadelphia.
Olbermann: Good evening sir. Thank you for your time.
Jackson: How are you?
Olbermann: Well, I’m interested in your answers to a series of questions on this subject. There had literally been no official response to the possibility of a recount from any major Republican organization until you went to Ohio. And then yesterday there’s a press release calling you a professional publicity hound, and Secretary Blackwell on this show calling you a professional provocateur for hire. And you “ran around the block and tried to get in front of a parade that was already on the march.” What exactly did you do in Ohio that stirred all this up?
Jackson: Well, this is November the 30th, and the election in Ohio has not been certified yet. Why has it not been certified? We know that even before the election started, Mr. Blackwell sought to nullify 30,000 votes, saying that they were on the wrong weight of paper. We know that last spring, people could vote in the state, a provisional vote, in their county. He changed that process to voting by precinct. In the middle of the..the balloting places changed and, at the time, it led to much confusion. So you have 155,000 provisional ballots that are in confusion. You have 92,000 votes that are yet to be counted. You have an interesting case in Warren, Ohio, (sp?) where they actually used Homeland Security to lock the press out and to lock independent observers out.
Another thing that also I found striking, was that Ellen Connally, an african-american running for Supreme Court in Cayahoga County, where Cleveland is, carried 120,000 more votes than she had down around Hamilton county and Claremont county (sp?) in the other part of Ohio, she had 190,000 more votes than Kerry in 15 counties.
And you had electronic machines where there are questions about their authenticity. We need a thorough, federal investigation, and then, if the information warrants it, we should then have a recount. And those who ran this election should be recused from managing their own investigation.
Olbermann: The Republicans did make seemingly one unanswerable point on this, and you and others may be critical of the Ohio count, but as the Baltimore Sun quoted John Kerry’s chief election lawyer in Ohio as saying “Our eyes have been wide open, and, to this date, we have found no evidence of confirmed election fraud.” If there has been fraud, where are the Democrats in response to it?
Jackson: Well, I’m amazed frankly at the silence, really, of Senator Kerry and the Democratic Party. They promised that we would stay in the fight until every vote was counted. They appear not to have been acting aggressively, demanding that real questions be answered. For example, electronic machines. In this case, we have private machines where there is no audit trail. We deserve an open, fair process. Why would we allow them to shift the rules in provisional balloting from county to precinct. The reality is that in Cayahoga county Cleveland and Cincinatti, they’ve eliminated almost a third of the voters on technicalities. Like 50,000 voters. The 130,000 vote margin of Mr. Bush over Mr. Kerry — we need to know, through forensic computer analysts, in fact, was there tampering. We need to know. And right now, we do not know.
Olbermann: You said that last Friday night you spoke to John Kerry, and you quoted him as telling you that he was in favor of the investigations of the Ohio vote. Where is he? Why did he concede when he did? And why does the Democratic Party appear to be trying to fly under the radar in terms of Ohio?
Jackson: He conceded in my judgement much, much to quickly, because he conceded before a count was in. And now he says he has some lawyers on the ground, but his lawyers ought to be challenging. Were it not for the Green party and the Libertarians, we would not even have standing in the court of finding out what happened. You look how they have 155,000 provisional ballots uncounted. Look at 92,000 ballots unprocessed. Look at what happened in Warren, Ohio. You look at the electronic voting process where there may have been tampering. We do not know. These numbers are beginning to move real fast. Again, I repeat, when I begin to think about Ellen Connally, and the gap where Kerry got 120,000 more votes than she got in Cayahoga county, then in 15 other counties, she got 190,000 votes less. To me, that’s very suggestive. It deserves a thorough investigation.
Olbermann: There are degrees of what could have caused that and the other irregularities that you refer to. On one end of the spectrum, as Secretary Blackwell put it last night, “It’s a free and fair election” without significant problems. In the middle, a lot of human and technical mistakes, but they are mostly errors of omission, not errors of comission. At the other end, would be out and out electoral fraud. Where do you stand on that spectrum? Which one of those things do you think happened?
Jackson: It’s interesting that Mr. Blackwell is the co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign, yet he is the chief person in charge of the process. Now, it seems to me to be unfair for the man who owns the team to also be the chief umpire at game seven of the world series. That somehow that taints the process.
But this matter has not been approached. This Mr. Blackwell in Ohio. Katherine Harris in Florida — those who run the process should not in fact be an advocate for one party or the other. Which raises another question: We really do need a constitutionally federally protected right to vote. We should in fact have federal supervision over federal elections. We do not have, although people think we have, the constitutional federally protected right to vote. We deserve to move beyond just states rights on national elections.
Olbermann: Well let me see if I can pin you down now on just that part of the question. Do you think there was fraud in Ohio?
Jackson: Well I think so. But we will only know if there is a thorough investigation. There are some huge number gaps here. Why is it that 28 days after the election it has not yet been certified? That’s a long time to wait.
Olbermann: Reverend Jesse Jackson, Founder and President of the Rainbow Push Coalition, twice candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. Thanks for your time tonight sir. We appreciate it.
Jackson: Thank you sir.

Video and Transcript of Keith Olbermann’s Interview With Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell

This is from the November 29, 2004 program of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”
It’s available in one big 23 MB file and two smaller files.

Report On Ohio Election and Interview with Kenneth Blackwell

This is the first of a series of programs covering the Jesse Jackson vs. Kenneth Blackwell developments. Jesse’s interview w/Olbermann the following just went up too.
This transcript is word for word and unabridged.
11-29-04 – Transcript
The Ohio recount now has cousins out west. The Green and Libertarian parties today filed for recounts in Nevada and New Mexico. The complaints are based largely on the absence of paper trails for electronic voting in each state.
Back at the ranch, the word “fraud” has been used on the record by a former democratic presidential candidate about the voting four weeks ago, tomorrow, in Ohio. In turn, the man who used the word was described by local republican leaders as a “professional publicity hound.”
Reverend Jesse Jackson spoke this morning in Cincinatti. He had addressed a rally in Columbus yesterday, saying voting irregularities disenfranchised many of Ohio’s citizens. He also told reporters “The playing field is uneven. The rules are not public. The goals are not clear.”
Cut to live footage of Jesse Jackson:
“We want everybody to vote. And for their vote to count. We can live with winning and losing. We cannot live with fraud and stealing…
Most Americans must know the election in Ohio has not been certified. This is the 28th of November. Twenty-six days later, the election has not been certified because there are patterns of irregularities that are impeding the process.”
Back to Olbermann:
While Jackson reiterated the Democratic party line that a different outcome is, at best, an unlikely result of a recount, Jackson had earlier told reporters that he spoke with Senator John Kerry on Friday, and that Kerry “supports the investigation. His lawyers are observing it closely.” But the Baltimore Sun quoted Kerry’s chief Ohio attorney, Daniel Hoffheimer, as saying “Our eyes are wide open and, to this date, we have found no evidence of confirmed fraud.”
Asked why, if Ohio had problems meriting the recount, Senator Kerry had conceded on November 3rd, Jackson was quoted by the Cincinatti Enquirer as saying “Kerry was inclined to believe what he was told. And he was told the election was over. But now we are unearthing information that did not surface at first. I suppose the more information Kerry gets, the more you will hear from him.”
Republicans today responded with a news release headlined “Democrats struggle to jusify unneccessary recount.” Noting it will cost Ohio tax payers 1 1/2 million dollars and quoting state GOP chairman Bob Bennett as saying “Jackson has a stellar reputation for ignoring the facts and distorting the truth.”
The focus of criticism for the Ohio count and legal actions about it, and a recount, is the state’s top election official, its Secretary of State, Kenneth Blackwell, who joins us now from Cincinatti.
Olbermann: Secretary Blackwell, thank you for your time tonight.
Blackwell: Thanks for having me Keith.
Olbermann: When the Green and Libertarian parties filed for the recount, I didn’t hear anybody in Ohio’s government jumping up and down and applauding, but I also didn’t hear anybody accusing them of being profession publicity hounds or of ignoring facts. Why the harsh reaction towards the Reverend Jackson?
Blackwell: Keith, I think what happened is that Jesse Jackson ran around the block and tried to get out in front of a parade that was already on the march. We had indicated that Ohio law allows for a recount once the vote has been certified. So the recount is already a determination. You know, so, for him to get out and run around the block and get out in front of the parade probably gives credibility to the charge that, you know, he is a provocateur for hire.
Olbermann: One of his suggestions, and that of some of your critics, has been that there is an attempt to make the window for a recount in Ohio so narrow as to make a recount meaningless. How do respond to that criticism sir?
Blackwell: We are, in fact, abiding by the law, which basically says that once there’s a certification, you have five days to ask for a recount. I would anticipate that they will ask for a recount, the two minor party candidates, and they will get it. The fact of the matter is that they are entitled to request a recount. We’re entitled to give them a recount. Even though the cost to the taxpayers far exceeds the $120,000 dollars that it will cost the two candidates to ask for one to this count. These are two gentlemen that between them got less than..just a tad more than a quarter of one percent of the vote. They know, the courts know, the people know that they have no way of changing the results as it affects them. They have the standing, not Jesse Jackson, and because Senator Kerry has conceded and has not asked for a recount, he has no standing. I would anticipate that the Electoral College will be held on the 13th of December, and our 20 electorate votes will go to the certified winner.
Olbermann: Then again, as your law gives you the right to certify under the conditions that you mentioned, your laws also say how much a candidate is charged per precinct. It’s not like these are the prices being set by candidates.
Blackwell: Oh absolutely. And that’s what I said. They are entitled to it under the law. I think the legislature will probably have some work to do. This was a rule that was established in 1956, and the price of ten dollars per precinct was established, you know, back then. They are going to have to make a determination as to whether or not they want to keep at 1956 dollars, or if they really want to have the recount charge reflect the real cost of doing business in the 21st century.
Look Keith, here’s the deal. I just heard Jesse Jackson complain about the unfairness and the unevenness of the field. Ohio has a delicately balanced, bi-partisan that counts votes at the local level. I have nothing to do with counting the votes. They’re done by the 88 county Boards of Elections. And let me give you a point here to show the duplicity of Jesse Jackson’s criticism.
In Franklin county, where Colombus is located, the head of the Board of Elections is an african-american Democrat. Not just any democrat, but the head of the Franklin County Democratic Party. He is overseeing. You know what he said last week? He told Jesse Jackson to stop it. He said “what makes Jesse Jackson think that he would sit quietly and watch the african-american vote be suppressed? Or watch democrat votes be suppressed?
You know, Jesse Jackson is just trying to stir up a hornet’s nest. And what I’ve told people today is that Elvis is dead, and I’m not gonna fret over Jesse Jackson’s misinformation and confusion.
Olbermann: As it plays into the recount though sir, are you saying that your office does not anticipate taking any steps to try to prevent a recount in Ohio?
Blackwell: No. We haven’t! We’ve told the two officials..candidates that once we certify on December 6th, they have five days to certify. I mean, to ask for a recount. Once they ask for a recount, we will provide them with a recount. And that’s what I’ve said from the very first indication that they were interested in a recount. Once it was established that they were statewide candidates with standing, our law says that they can ask for a recount. We will regard this as yet another audit of the voting process. The reason it takes us from November the second to December the sixth to certify is because we have a very tedious, very comprehensive process where we audit by precinct, across the state, every vote that was cast to make sure that every vote that was legally cast is counted.
Look, Keith. We have 45,000 square miles of geography in Ohio. 88 counties, and on election day dealing and leading 50,000 poll workers and election officials. They did a great job, and what we are planning to do, in February, in March, is to take a look at how we can improve our system. They reality is that we have 70% of our voters use a punch card system that I tried to change and that bipartisan resistance in the legislature stopped. And so we had the punch card system. We have a system that allows us to manage a free and fair election, free of fraud, free of intimidation, and that’s what we delivered on election day, and we’re very very proud of it. And we have the most scrutinized election system in the United States, and we have met every test. Every test we have made. And I’m very proud of the 50,000 poll workers and election officials who delivered a free and fair election.
Olbermann: As part of that scrutiny. one of the criticisms regarding the campaign and the election in Ohio that was directed at you personally, that as the state’s top election official, it is a conflict of interest, or, minimally, it has the appearance of a conflict of interest for you to have also been the honorary co-chairman of the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign. As Reverend Jackson put it, you may or may not agree with his presence there, but the phrase is certainly interesting: “Mr. Blackwell cannot be both the owner of the team and the umpire.” Could those two jobs not be mixed?
Blackwell: Let me tell you. I just told you Keith. We have a bi-partisan system in Ohio where the Hallinan county chairman of the Board of Elections, Tim Berk (Berg?) is also the Democratic chairman of the Democratic Party in that county. The same for Dayton. The Democratic Chairman is the chairman for the Board of Elections in Montgomery county. So I’ve just given you three counties where Democrat chairmen who were pushing for John Kerry are the chairpersons of the Boards of Elections over our 88 counties. We have a checks and balances system that allows for a bipartisan review, a very transparent system, and Jesse Jackson, let me just tell you, he would like to be the co-Secretary of State for the state of Ohio, but Jesse Jackson has not had the courage or the credibility to run and get elected to “Dog Catcher.”
Olbermann: Last question sir. Can you refute or confirm one of the Internet’s favorite stories that no one seems to have gotten an answer, that you had a meeting with President Bush on the day of the election in Ohio?
Blackwell: That’s just hogwash. Absolutely zero. Not true. And it’s the sort of mythology that grows out of, you know, a lot of people with a lot of time on their hands and the imaginations of Jonathan Swift. But it goes with the territory. Like I said, we had 45,000 square miles of geography, 88 counties, board of elections, 50,000 folks that ran a great election on election day. We had a record turnout of voters in Ohio. We had record registration, and I think the facts speak for themselves. Thank you for having me and giving me the opportunity to speak to the truth of the matter.
Olbermann: Kenneth Blackwell. Secretary of State in Ohio. Our thanks for your time tonight sir.
Blackwell: Thank you sir.

Jesse Jackson’s Op-Ed On The Ohio Recount Situation

heard it here first
folks — on the night of the Election. Something fishy is definitely going on in Ohio. Let’s hope it’s not too late to rectify the situation.

Something’s fishy in Ohio

By Jesse Jackson for the Chicago Sun-Times.

Ohio is this election year’s Florida. The vote in Ohio decided the presidential race, but it was marred by intolerable, and often partisan, irregularities and discrepancies. U.S. citizens have as much reason as those in Kiev to be concerned that the fix was in. Consider:
In Ohio, a court just ruled there can’t be a recount yet, because the vote is not yet counted. It’s three weeks after the election, and Ohio still hasn’t counted the votes and certified the election. Some 93,000 overvotes and undervotes are not counted; 155,000 provisional ballots are only now being counted. Absentee ballots cast in the two days prior to the election haven’t been counted.
Ohio determines the election, but the state has not yet counted the vote. That outrage is made intolerable by the fact that the secretary of state in charge of this operation, Ken Blackwell, holds – like Katherine Harris of Florida’s fiasco in 2000 – a dual role: secretary of state with control over voting procedures and co-chair of George Bush’s Ohio campaign. Blackwell should recuse himself so that a thorough investigation, count and recount of Ohio’s vote can be made.
Blackwell reversed rules on provisional ballots in place in the spring primaries. These allowed voters to cast provisional ballots anywhere in their county, even if they were in the wrong precinct, reflecting the chief rationale for provisional ballots: to ensure that those who went to the wrong place by mistake could have their votes counted. The result of this decision – why does this not surprise? – was to disqualify disproportionately ballots cast in heavily Democratic Cuyahoga County.
Blackwell also permitted the use of electronic machines that provided no paper record. The maker of many of these machines, the head of Diebold Co., promised to deliver Ohio for Bush. In one precinct in Franklin County, an electric voting system gave Bush 3,893 extra votes out of a total of 638 votes cast.
Blackwell also presided over a voting system that resulted in quick, short lines in the dominantly Republican suburbs, and four-hour and longer waiting lines in the inner cities. Wealthy precincts received ample numbers of voting machines and numerous voting places. Democratic precincts received inadequate numbers of machines in too few polling places that were often hard to locate; this caused daylong waits for the very working people who could least afford the time.
In Ohio, as in Florida and Pennsylvania, there was a stark disconnect between the exit polls and the tabulated results, with the former favoring John Kerry and the latter George Bush. The chance of this occurring in these three states, according to Professor Steven Freeman of the University of Pennsylvania, is about 250 million to 1.
In one of dozens of examples, Ellen Connally, an African-American Supreme Court candidate running an underfunded race at the bottom of the ticket, received over 257,000 more votes than Kerry in 37 counties. She ran better than Kerry in the areas of the state where she wasn’t known and didn’t campaign than she did where she was known and did campaign.
There should be a federal investigation of the vote count in Ohio, with the partisan secretary of state removing himself from the scene.

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