Tag Archives: Xeni Jardin

My Song: Call Your Senators – Save the Affordable Care Act

Update: Currently recording my own music for this. 🙂 Taking longer than expected 🙂

List of phone numbers to CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW and tell them to save the Affordable Care Act!

Call Your Senators – Save The ACA – Download as .mov file

Call Your Senators – Save The ACA – Download as an .mp4 file

Last night, I watched Xeni Jardin on MSNBC talk about how heathcare is not a political issue; it’s a human one:

I went to sleep around 8pm last night, exhausted from a horrible day all around. This is a song I wrote after waking up at 3am this morning freaked out and, for once, rather angry, about losing our healthcare, for many, almost as soon as they received it.

I’ve had Lady Gaga’s “Ayo” on my mind lately… and everything just came together.

List of phone numbers to CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW and tell them to save the Affordable Care Act!

Lyrics by Lisa Rein. Music is Instrumental “A-yo” from Lady Gaga:


Newborn babies have no sin
except the hospital they’re born in
They should know their place, they should know their place
Throw it in their, throw it in their face

Can’t wait till the senate comes around
to strike this mother fucker down
Tearin up the session, movin with aggression,
Now it’s a party

They passed a repeal in the house
Faster than you can say precondition
precondition precondition
it’s got me on a mission

Hey CALL YOUR SENATORS so you can remind ’em
To take a look behind it
Truth is where you find it
If you represent me and you kinda like it
Take a stand and fight it
or you’ll be saying bye bye

A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smokin’ ’em all

They passed a repeal with the pres
Before they told us what it says
They play by different rules
Do they think we’re fools?
Thinking we can learn a thing or two

Can’t wait till this thing it dies for good
Faster than you can try to save it
You can try to fake it
but you’ll never make it
Don’t think that we won’t come for you!

So CALL YOUR SENATORS so you can remind ’em
take a look behind it
Truth is where you find it

If you represent me and you kinda like it
Take a stand and fight it
or you’ll be saying bye bye

A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smokin’ ’em all

In case you are wondering: THIS IS POLITICAL SATIRE and is clearly covered under FAIR USE. (As SATIRE and POLITICAL commentary are CLEARLY PROTECTED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT every way sideways.)

Disclaimer: I am warning Senators that we will “come for them” – and I am, of course, only talking about coming for them with peaceful non-violent means – and by not voting for them again, ever, if they vote for healthcare repeal. (Here are the 19 Republicans that flipped to kill our health care.) So don’t bother trying to go all “she’s advocating violence” on me. In contrast, repealing our healthcare is clearly a violent and deadly act placing millions of Americans at risk, many of them babies and children.

These Senators don’t seem to respond to anything but large numbers of angry constituents, so I guess we’d better give it to them.