Category Archives: My Music

My Song: Call Your Senators – Save the Affordable Care Act

Update: Currently recording my own music for this. 🙂 Taking longer than expected 🙂

List of phone numbers to CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW and tell them to save the Affordable Care Act!

Call Your Senators – Save The ACA – Download as .mov file

Call Your Senators – Save The ACA – Download as an .mp4 file

Last night, I watched Xeni Jardin on MSNBC talk about how heathcare is not a political issue; it’s a human one:

I went to sleep around 8pm last night, exhausted from a horrible day all around. This is a song I wrote after waking up at 3am this morning freaked out and, for once, rather angry, about losing our healthcare, for many, almost as soon as they received it.

I’ve had Lady Gaga’s “Ayo” on my mind lately… and everything just came together.

List of phone numbers to CALL YOUR SENATORS NOW and tell them to save the Affordable Care Act!

Lyrics by Lisa Rein. Music is Instrumental “A-yo” from Lady Gaga:


Newborn babies have no sin
except the hospital they’re born in
They should know their place, they should know their place
Throw it in their, throw it in their face

Can’t wait till the senate comes around
to strike this mother fucker down
Tearin up the session, movin with aggression,
Now it’s a party

They passed a repeal in the house
Faster than you can say precondition
precondition precondition
it’s got me on a mission

Hey CALL YOUR SENATORS so you can remind ’em
To take a look behind it
Truth is where you find it
If you represent me and you kinda like it
Take a stand and fight it
or you’ll be saying bye bye

A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smokin’ ’em all

They passed a repeal with the pres
Before they told us what it says
They play by different rules
Do they think we’re fools?
Thinking we can learn a thing or two

Can’t wait till this thing it dies for good
Faster than you can try to save it
You can try to fake it
but you’ll never make it
Don’t think that we won’t come for you!

So CALL YOUR SENATORS so you can remind ’em
take a look behind it
Truth is where you find it

If you represent me and you kinda like it
Take a stand and fight it
or you’ll be saying bye bye

A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smoking em all
A-yo A-yo We smokin’ ’em all

In case you are wondering: THIS IS POLITICAL SATIRE and is clearly covered under FAIR USE. (As SATIRE and POLITICAL commentary are CLEARLY PROTECTED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT every way sideways.)

Disclaimer: I am warning Senators that we will “come for them” – and I am, of course, only talking about coming for them with peaceful non-violent means – and by not voting for them again, ever, if they vote for healthcare repeal. (Here are the 19 Republicans that flipped to kill our health care.) So don’t bother trying to go all “she’s advocating violence” on me. In contrast, repealing our healthcare is clearly a violent and deadly act placing millions of Americans at risk, many of them babies and children.

These Senators don’t seem to respond to anything but large numbers of angry constituents, so I guess we’d better give it to them.

Today’s The Day – The Electors Can Vote With Their Conscience

New Medium Post on today’s nail biting events…

Today’s the Day

Today the Electors will cast their ballots for the next President of the United States. For better or worse, that is our current system in action.

Since Donald Trump is a rather constitutionally compromised President, specifically with regard to the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause. (Stephen Colbert also explains the subject quite well.)

The electors could choose to vote their conscience, and choose Hillary, or send the decision to the Republican-controlled House to choose, or merely make a statement by abstaining from voting for Trump.

Here’s a song I’ve written about this historical time.



My Song To The Electors: Who Do You Stand For?

I_Voted_StickerHere is my song to the Electors. (References below that explain everything! 🙂

Who Do You Stand For? (MP3)  (Lyrics below)

Not only did Hillary get more votes than Trump, Trump is disqualified in at least one very important way.

The electoral college was created just for this reason: as a safeguard against an unqualified or disqualified president-elect. (In this case, we have both a disqualified president and millions of votes proving the electoral college is broken. Time for the electors to do their job, and stop the madness.

And yeah, next we get rid of the electoral college!

Who Do You Stand For? (MP3)  (CC-BY-SA)

Music and Lyrics by Lisa Rein.

Here we go on the roller coaster of our lives
The smoke is still clearing slowly
as we’re all scrambling
I can’t help wondering

Who do you stand for?
I’m asking you
asking you
Give me your answer
I’m asking you
asking you

We went to vote
We cast our ballots on that day
The people have clearly spoken
We told you what to do
Now it’s all up to you

Hey are you listening?
I’m asking you asking you
give me your answer
I’m asking you
asking you

Cause we’re running out of time
And there’s too much on the line
So start showing me a sign

I think you know how much it matters

Give me your answer
I’m asking you asking you
Who do you stand for?
I’m asking you asking you

I can’t ask anymore


And So They Will Decide – Lawrence Lessig
The Electors Can Do It Monday: We Can Demand They Recognize the Popular Vote, On Lisa Rein’s Radar
Will Electors Vote Their Conscience and Prevent a Trump Presidency?, Rolling Stone
The Constitution lets the electoral college choose the winner. They should choose Clinton., Lawrence Lessig
Stephen Colbert Asks: Is Trump Only Violating Norms or Laws? (Video)
Lawrence Lessig: Electors Are Constitutionally Permitted To Vote Their Conscience, And Should Do So – Video and Video Transcript


Final Version of “Expect Us” – My Theme for The Occupy Movement and Anonymous


This is over two months in the making.

Anonymous is what/who inspired me to become involved in the Occupy Movement. This song was written just after September 17th.

Thanks to the awesome Steve Onanis for production, drums, keyboards, getting Tim Sanchez to play Hofner Bass, and additional guitar. (And Thanks Tim! 🙂

Main guitar and all vocals: Lisa Rein

Thanks to George Kelly for helping me develop the original version of this song into its final version 🙂 And for helping me record a version early on when it was fresh in my head, before I could get to a studio.

Music and Lyrics by Lisa Rein.


Time for a Reoccupation

Across the Nation

Reactivation of Peaceful Demonstration

Reoccupation Across the Nation

And Around the World

Around the World

You can Expect Us

Expect Us

Expect Us

It’s time to see what’s really going on.

We’re trying to tell you something; YOU ARE STRONG

And if we work together we can get things done

And make it fair for everyone

Time for a Reoccupation

Across the Nation

Reallocation of the financial situation


Across the Nation

And Around the World

Around the World

You can Expect Us

Expect Us

Expect Us

Expect Us

This work (Expect Us – OWS/Anonymous’ Theme, by Lisa Rein), identified by Lisa Rein, is free of known copyright restrictions.

New Version of “Re-occupation/Expect Us” – Perfect for Occupation 2.0 Today


Here’s a shorter link to the song: (for tweeting and the like 🙂


Time for a Re-occupation/Expect Us

Words and Music by Lisa Rein


Time for a Reoccupation

Across the Nation

Reactivation of Peaceful Demonstration

Reoccupation Across the Nation

And Around the World

Around the World

You can Expect Us

Expect Us


Expect Us

It’s time to see what’s really going on.

We’re trying to tell you something; YOU ARE STRONG

And if we work together we can get things done

And make it fair for everyone


Time for a Reoccupation

Across the Nation

Reallocation of the financial situation


Across the Nation

And Around the World

Around the World

You can Expect Us

Expect Us

Expect Us

Expect Us



This work (Expect Us – OWS/Anonymous’ Theme, by Lisa Rein), identified by Lisa Rein, is free of known copyright restrictions.

New Third Version of my “Expect Us” Theme for Occupy Wall St. & Anonymous (In Progress)


Here’s the latest version.

This version has a bass line and keyboards. Still needs a final mix but all the parts are there 🙂

I’m putting a video together too, so I wanted to get this out for those of you with video footage, in case you want to sent it to me for inclusion. I would love some footage of dancing at the protests with anonymous masks, for instance! Thanks! 🙂

This work (Expect Us – OWS/Anonymous’ Theme, by Lisa Rein), identified by Lisa Rein, is free of known copyright restrictions.

Second Draft of EXPECT US – My Theme Song For Occupy Wall Street and Anonymous

Updated Jan 22, 2012: FINAL VERSION OF THIS SONG

12:15 pm – SONG FIXED NOW – HAD A BAD MP3 for a while – sorry!


This version is way closer to my grand vision of this thing. It still needs more tracks and mixing but… it’s getting there.

Seems like it’s worth listening to now – and a lot of you are freezing yer asses off out in the streets right now, so I felt like maybe this could cheer you up a bit.

October 25, 2011 - Snow Park, Oakland, California

October 25, 2011 - Snow Park, Oakland, California

This work (Expect Us – September 17, by Lisa Rein), identified by Lisa Rein, is free of known copyright restrictions.

New – Still Unfinished – Recording of My “Expect Us” Song for the Occupy Movement

Updated Jan 22, 2012: FINAL VERSION OF THIS SONG

I still have to add a lot more vocals, base, and guitar to it, but it’s coming along nicely, and was so much better than the old version, I wanted to let you hear it right away.



Time for a Reoccupation

Across the Nation

Reactivation of Peaceful Demonstration

Reoccupation Across the Nation

And Around the World

Around the World

You can Expect Us

Expect Us


Expect Us

It’s time to see what’s really going on.

We’re trying to tell you something; YOU ARE STRONG

And if we work together we can get things done

And make it fair for everyone


Time for a Reoccupation

Across the Nation

Reallocation of the financial situation


Across the Nation

And Around the World

Around the World

You can Expect Us

Expect Us

Expect Us

Expect Us

New “Austin Powers” (really rough experimental) version of my “Expect Us” Song


I’m recutting the whole thing Saturday, but I’m honestly looking for feedback on the song I’ve been writing as a tribute to the Wall Street Protesters and Anonymous.

Here’s a more upbeat, “Austin Powers” version that I’m leaning towards for the re-do on Saturday. It will actually be easy for me to do the acoustic hippy remix version too 🙂  And I’ll be creating an arrangement for an elementary school choir, is going to be my favorite…

Don’t worry… there will be far too many versions of this song!

Little Song I Wrote For the September 17th Protestors – On Wall Street – and Beyond

Updated Jan 22, 2012! Final version of this song HERE

Updated! October 30 – Latest re-recorded Studio Half-finished version here.

Updated! September 24, 2011 – Here’s an MP3 of a rough mix of a new recording of this song! (An actual mixed version coming soon 🙂

New! September 28 – Austin Powers Remix – Very Rough – Being Re-recorded 🙂

I was kinda pleased that it almost came out like a chorus arrangement. I’m not sure how the final mix will be yet – but for now, I like the idea of a chorus of people singing this walking down the street with all the different parts.

We have a percussion and bass coming too.

I have all the words now, but there’s only one “verse” – and it’s in the Public Domain, so feel free to grab it and run with it.

It’s very easy to play and sing to, and write more lyrics to. I wrote it that way on purpose. So a group could walk down the street and people can hear the singing from blocks away.

You don’t even need a guitar to sing the vocal part – and there are lots of harmonies — I put a couple in every range (tried to) — you can hear some more than others in this mix.

The chords are “C, G, D, A and E” — If you every strummed a guitar in your life; Or thought about strumming one – you can play this song!

Expect Us

Words and Music By Lisa Rein       (Special Thanks to George Kelly for helping me record it.)

C                  G

Time for a Re-occupation

A                  E

Across the nation

C                   G


A                   E

Of Peaceful Demonstration

C                    G

RE    occupation

A                     E

Across the Nation

G                      A

and around the world

G                        A

around the world


You can

E                G                  A

Expect Us

E                 D                 A

Expect Us



Expect Us

G    A

It’s time to see what’s really going on


C    G

We’re trying to tell you something


D     A   E

You are strong


and if we

G      A

work together, we can get along



and make it FAIR for EVERYBODY

(then back to)

C                  G

Time for a reoccupation

A                  E

Across the nation

C                   G


A                   E

Of the Financial Situation

C                    G

RE     occupation

A                     E

Across the Nation

G                      A

and around the world

G                        A

around the world

You can

E                G                  A

Expect Us

E                 D                 A

Expect Us

E          G      A

Expect Us

E     D     A

Expect Us



ok good luck hope people like it.


It’s great with harmonies and stuff.


This work (Expect Us – September 17, by Lisa Rein), identified by Lisa Rein, is free of known copyright restrictions.




I hate revisionist history – but I really only wanted to have one page for this song, so I decided to include the old version of this post at the bottom:

Here’s an MP3 of a rough take of this song. (A more polished version is coming soon :-)

This song is still being “finished” – 11:06 pm, 9/22/11. Feel free to grab it and run with it. It’s very easy to play and write lyrics to (I’m just too tired to whip a bunch of verses up tonight.

The chords are “C, G, D, A and E” — If you every strummed a guitar in your life; Or thought about strumming one – you can play this song!

I’ve never done this with a song I was in the process of writing before, but I’ve sure thought about doing it a lot, so here goes…