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October 19, 2007
Chris Paine Gets a Mention In This Week's Time

Chris Paine gets a mention in the opener of a new Time Magazine article about GM's
Green Motors

No one would mistake Chris Paine for a General Motors shill. In his 2006 documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?, the filmmaker laid out a damning case against GM for unplugging the EV1, the electric vehicle it manufactured in the 1990s and then discontinued in 2003, preferring instead to produce high-margin but gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs. "They were a technological leader, and they fumbled that leadership away," Paine says. Ask him about the U.S. carmaker now, though, and Paine sounds almost admiring. "Their new hybrids are making a difference, and their plug-in technology is a real advance," he says. "GM is making some really good moves now."

Posted by Lisa at 12:30 PM
October 01, 2007
March In Santa Monica Tuesday at 6pm to Save The Trees

Hey LA-based tree hugger peeps!

Time to come out in full force tomorrow evening in Santa Monica for a
March to Save The Trees
in memory of Gandhi's Birthday.

Chris Paine, and old friend of mine, and Director of the awesome film, Who Killed The Electric Car, has been helping to organize a series of Tree Saver meetings that have been going on over the past few weeks to save over 50 Ficus trees scheduled for removal under the guise of being diseased (extreme disagreement over this point by experts in the community).

There's a Tree Saver Blog where you can get more information about it all.

Below: The Tree Savers Crew

This is a few weeks ago. We're a much larger group now, with over 70 100 people on our mailing list!
Here's more about Who Killed The Electric Car too! Lots to talk about on this front in the days - and years, to come:

Press/Reviews of Film
Why Electric Cars Are Better
Cool Scenes From The Film I found on YouTube
Buy The DVD
Posted by Lisa at 08:00 AM