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June 25, 2006
Collection of Articles To Date On Carol Fisher - Still In Jail For Hanging A Poster In Cleveland

Wish I could do more right now. At least maybe this will save some time for someone else wanting to do something.

This goes with this post.

Sorry I can't do more right now Carol...

Various dates
Fact Sheet on the Arrest, Trial and Conviction of Carol Fisher
"The verdict will be appealed ... Carol’s attorneys, Terry Gilbert and Dan Shields,
are working pro-bono. Donations thus far have covered the costs of the trial but ongoing expenses will mount for the appeal, including to obtain a copy of the trial transcript."

June 21, 2006
Cleveland Indy Media Center
6.21 Update on Carol Fisher
"Carol Fisher has now been in jail for 3 weeks..."

June 16, 2006
Police Crimes Forum, Policecrimes.com
Judge Timothy McGinty is a Communist
"A 51-year-old Ohio woman was sentenced Friday to 60 days in jail..."

June 7, 2006
World Can't Wait
Carol Fisher Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail And 2 Years Probation
"I spoke to Carol Fisher on the phone from the Cuyahoga County jail this morning..."

June 3, 2006
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Protester is defiant to the last
"Political activist Carolyn Fisher stood before a Cuyahoga County judge and remained defiant even as she faced jail time for attacking two police officers."

June 3, 2006
Cleveland Indy Media Center
Carol Fisher defiant to the last
Same story as above, reprinted with 5 big photos

June 2, 2006
The Free Press (Ohio)
Judge McGinty threatens to send Carol Fisher to jail on June 2
"Carol Fisher, an activist with "The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime," will be sentenced this Friday, June 2..."

June 2, 2006
Woman Refuses To Change Anti-Bush Shirt For Sentencing
Protester Gets 60 Days In Jail For Assaulting Police Officers
(includes photo of T-shirt)
"A woman convicted of assaulting Cleveland Heights police officers appeared in court for sentencing Friday morning, but the sentencing was delayed when the judge said she must change her clothes..."

June 2, 2006
Case disposition:

May 16, 2006
Carol Fisher case suggests pattern of law enforcement/judicial irregularities
"Here is some additional information on the Carol Fisher case..."

May 14, 2006
VooDoo Knickers
You Must Be Crazy!!
Blogger describes the scene in the courtroom.
"Terry Gilbert, one of Carol’s attorneys said, “This is Gulag stuff–saying that people who are dissidents are crazy.” He said that in his 33 years of practicing law, he has never seen anything like this ... McGinty started off the hearing by making Carol stand up and had one of her attorneys read her t-shirt ... McGinty then said this was further proof she is delusional."

May 13, 2006
Call4Investigation (Seattle):
Includes some courtroom quotes from McGinty:
'He went even further in yesterday's hearing, saying that her opposition to the Bush regime makes her "delusional." ... He also kept saying Carol "wants" to go to jail, and that she has a "martyr complex."
When Carol tried to explain why she wouldn't take this test, the judge's only response was, "I do not negotiate with felons."'

May 11, 2006
Women's Space/The Margins
Free Carol Fisher! Judge Orders Peace Activist to Jail Psych Unit
"Judge Timothy McGinty has forcibly incarcerated Carol Fisher in the psych unit of the Cuyahoga County Jail in downtown Cleveland, for an undetermined period of time. McGinty is forcing Fisher to undergo a state psychological exam as part of her pre-sentencing investigation..."

May 15, 2006
Republic Broadcasting Network
The Investigative Journal
Host: Greg Szymanski
RAM (http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Greg/0605/20060516_Tue_Greg.ram)
Individual MP3s:
Hour 1 (http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Greg/0605/20060515_Mon_Greg1.mp3)
Hour 2 (http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Greg/0605/20060515_Mon_Greg2.mp3)
'... Finally, Greg was joined by Terry Gilbert, attorney for Carol Fisher, who was recently convicted of two felonies in connection with her putting up anti-Bush posters in Cleveland Heights. Fisher was recently incarcerated and forced to take a state psych evaluation. Don't miss this interview as her attorney says it's "a gulag situation" right here in America.'
(Home page: http://www.rbnlive.com/archiveindex.html)

April 29, 2006
The Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Reporting the verdict.
"A jury found a Cleveland Heights peace activist guilty Friday afternoon of assaulting two police officers who told her to stop putting posters on telephone poles.Carolyn Fisher, 53, was released on bail but ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation while awaiting a June 2 sentencing for assaulting Cleveland Heights police officers Dan Downing and Mike Frinzl.Fisher was putting up anti-President-Bush posters Jan. 28 when the officers confronted her.Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Timothy J. McGinty suggested that Fisher return to court with a heartfelt apology for the officers or "bring your toothbrush," indicating that she would be sent to prison."

April 28, 2006
Cleveland World Can't Wait
Includes update from Carol Fisher herself, downloadable petition, address for sending money, contact info for City Council:

April 28, 2006
Cleveland Indy Media Center
"Carol Fisher was found guilty today of two counts of felonious assault of two 200 + pound Cleveland Heights policemen (who, collectively, can bench 700 lbs) and whose testimony contained serious contradictions. None of the other witnesses provided by the prosecution actually saw “the assault.” Their claims had more to do with Carol’s perceived lack respect for authority. The jury deliberated for more than 8 hours over two days before announcing the verdict.
Former prosecutor Judge McGinty, who was supposedly “randomly” assigned to Carol’s case, is known to be “police-friendly,” a fact that was painfully obvious to observers."

April 1, 2006
Liberty Forum
In this article Carol Fisher tells what happened in her own words. Also includes picture of Fisher and 'Cleveland Heights Police Beats Up Girls' poster.

Mar. 30, 2006
Cleveland Indy Media Center
Urgent update--Carol Fisher
by carol fisher Thursday, Mar. 30, 2006
"Funds urgently needed for legal defense. Make checks out to 'Carol Fisher Defense Fund' and mail to NION/WCW PO Box 609034 Cleveland OH 44109..."

January 25, 2006
Judge McGinty's official page with photo.
(Apparently the URL was changed recently. The URL given on the WorldCantWait.net page no longer works):

February 6, 2006
City Council meeting minutes (Carol Fisher stuff starts on Page 4).
Some citizens stand up make speeches to protest Carol Fisher's treatment at a City Council meeting.

Posted by Lisa at 06:33 PM
May 15, 2006
Woman Arrested and Jailed For Putting Up A Poster In Cleveland - Confirmed

I don't want this to be true. But I think it is. Update 5/16/06 - this is true guys. I've found a lot of info on it and will be posting here asap.

Things are getting really freaky. Sure, it happened in Cleveland, but it could happen anywhere, if it's allowed to happen there.

Here's the link from the World Can't wait website.

Defend World Can't Wait Activist Brutalized and Arrested by Police for Postering

This is from an email sent to me:

May 9: Judge Timothy McGinty forcibly incarcerated Carol Fisher in
the psych unit of the Cuyahoga County Jail in downtown Cleveland,
where she now sits for an indefinite period of time.

In a hastily called hearing yesterday, Judge McGinty made a highly
unusual and outrageous decision to force Carol to undergo a state
psychological exam as part of her pre-sentencing investigation. From
the very start of Carol's case, the judge has openly said that she
must have mental problems for resisting an unlawful and brutal
encounter with Cleveland Heights police. He went even further in
yesterday's hearing, saying that her opposition to the Bush regime
makes her "delusional."

Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
Judge Orders World Can't Wait Activist to Jail Psych Unit

May 9: Judge Timothy McGinty forcibly incarcerated Carol Fisher in
the psych unit of the Cuyahoga County Jail in downtown Cleveland,
where she now sits for an indefinite period of time.

In a hastily called hearing yesterday, Judge McGinty made a highly
unusual and outrageous decision to force Carol to undergo a state
psychological exam as part of her pre-sentencing investigation. From
the very start of Carol's case, the judge has openly said that she
must have mental problems for resisting an unlawful and brutal
encounter with Cleveland Heights police. He went even further in
yesterday's hearing, saying that her opposition to the Bush regime
makes her "delusional."

The small courtroom on the 21st floor of the Justice Center was
ringed with 5 armed court bailiffs. McGinty started off the hearing
by making Carol stand up and had one of her attorneys read her t-
shirt, which said:

"Wanted for Illegally Crossing Borders: The Bush Regime

"If you are going to insist that crossing borders illegally is a
crime which cannot be tolerated, how about George Bush, Dick Cheney,
Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice (and yes, Colin Powell) and the
rest of that gang, with their highly illegal, and violent, 'crossing
of the border'-into Iraq, among other places?!"

McGinty then said this was proof of her delusion! He also kept
saying Carol "wants" to go to jail, and that she has a "martyr
complex." When Carol tried to explain why she wouldn't take this
test, the judge's only response was, "I do not negotiate with felons."

Does Carol really want to go to jail? No! But she is not willing to
comply with a vindictive court ordered test to "prove" her sanity.
And more than that, she is taking a stand for everyone who is angry
and fearful of a government that, under the rubric of "national
security and the war on terror," willfully and unapologetically
tramples on the most basic rights of privacy. Think about this in
light of the NSA spying scandal, and now Bush wants to install the
head of the notorious NSA to be CIA chief! As Carol said before she
went to jail, "I'd be crazy to go along with this shit! That which
you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn--or be
forced--to accept."

Just look at this whole case: a woman posts a "Bush Step Down" poster
on a telephone pole, being brutalized by the police in the process,
and now not only faces 3 years in prison but also a mandatory psych
exam. As Terry Gilbert, one of Carol's attorneys said, "This is
Gulag stuff--saying that people who are dissidents are crazy." He
further added that in his 33 years of practicing law, he has never
seen anything like this.

Is this the kind of country you want to live in?

On the phone this morning, Carol Fisher stated that, in addition to
sending her to the psych unit, McGinty has also put her on "suicide
watch"! They have taken away her eyeglasses. And if she refuses the
psych exam, she will be forcibly sent to North Coast Mental Institute
for a 20 day evaluation.

Legal challenges are continuing, including seeking a writ of habeas

When the transcripts are available to the public, they will show how
outrageous this hearing was.

(Click here for previous news and more information about Carol
Fishers arrest and trial)


• Donate to Carol's legal defense. It costs a lot of money
to get transcripts, file appeals, etc. Make checks payable to “Carol
Fisher Defense Fund” and mail to “NION/WCW PO Box 609034 Cleveland,
OH 44109.
• Call Judge Timothy McGinty and express your outrage:
• Join us at a "Speak Out!" for Carol Fisher - Saturday,
May 13 at 7pm at the corner of Coventry and Euclid Heights Blvd in
Cleveland Heights.
• Get your legal organization to be part of Carol's
defense: make statements, file friend of the court briefs, etc.
• Have your church group, school group, organization or
club join this battle by sending statements of support, donating
funds, etc.
• Request radio stations play any of the following songs,
dedicate it to Carol Fisher and explain what is going on with her case:
• Tom Petty’s “Won’t Back Down”
• Pearl Jam’s “World Wide Suicide”
• Pink’s “Dear Mr President”
• Neil Young’s “Let’s Impeach the President”

• Write letters to the editor of:
• The Cleveland Plain Dealer. Go to website:
• The Cleveland Free Times. Email: editor@freetimes.com
• The Sun Press. Email: sun@sunnews.com

• Send this article to your list serves and post to blogs.
• Join the World Can't Wait- Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Contact: World Cant Wait, Cleveland 216-633-6200
PO Box 609034 Cleveland OH 44109

World Can't Wait
305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

Posted by Lisa at 02:13 PM
April 09, 2003
Eleven Articles About The Police Attack Against Protesters: Oakland, California - April 7, 2003

I wish I had more time to blog these one at a time or make them display prettier.

But I don't :-)

Here's the scoop for those of you who are interested.



OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - Oakland police fired rubber bullets to disperse about 750 anti-war demonstrators on Monday in what was believed to be the first use of the projectiles against U.S. protesters since the American-led war on Iraq began. ... "I have been to many protests over the years, and I have never seen police resort to shooting people because they didn't like where they were standing," said Scott Fleming, 29, a lawyer hit several times in the back.

"They had loaded guns and started charging."

An Oakland police spokeswoman said officers warned before firing. At least a dozen protesters were arrested.

"We gave our dispersal order, we gave them an order, we gave them ample time to disperse," said police spokeswoman Danielle Ashford. "When we give our dispersal order, that's pretty much it. (If) there are safety issues involved, that's when we step in."

The action is believed to be the first police use of anti-crowd munitions against U.S. demonstrators since President Bush launched an invasion aimed at toppling Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

... Leone Reinbold, a spokeswoman for Direct Action to Stop the War which organized the protest, said she saw a policeman run his motorcycle into one woman and another man get hit with a rubber bullet to the nose.

"We weren't there to confront the police. We set up a peaceful picket line," she said. "The worst injury was to the long, tried-and-true tradition in this country of picketing."

Jerry Drelling, a spokesman for American President Lines, the company that was the object of the protest, said it has some government contracts but declined to provide details. He said no one at the firm had been injured.

"The Oakland police department managed to keep the ingress and egress open so that worked out pretty well," he said. "We're trying to run a business and you want to keep the gates open."

2. http://www.theksbwchannel.com/news/2095292/detail.html

Police Fire 'Sting Balls' At Oakland Protesters Demonstrators Stage Event At Oakland Docks

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Oakland police opened fire Monday morning with wooden dowels, "sting balls" and other non-lethal weapons at more than 500 hundred antiwar protesters.

The demonstrators were trying to block the entrances to the APL pier on the Oakland docks. They claim APL is carrying material to the war in Iraq.

Most of the demonstrators dispersed peacefully, but police used the weapons at two gates where protesters refused to move.

Six longshoremen standing near the protest and six demonstrators were hurt.

The protesters say it's the first time they've been fired on since demonstrations began several weeks ago in the San Francisco Bay area.

Police say at least 10 people were arrested.

Deputy Chief Patrick Haw says the officers fired because some demonstrators were throwing rocks and iron bolts at them.

Trent Willis, a business agent for the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, says union workers will not be reporting Monday.

Several demonstrators were also arrested at protests at the Concord Naval Weapons Station, at the federal building in San Francisco and while trying to block an offramp from Interstate 280.

The protests come two weeks after demonstrations sparked hundreds of arrests and brought downtown San Francisco to a standstill.

3. KTVU video: http://www.ktvu.com/news/2094673/detail.html#

still: http://images.ibsys.com/2003/0407/2095726_200X150.jpg



http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/special_packages/iraq/5578918.ht m

San Jose Mercury News

Protesters shot with wooden bullets at Port of Oakland By Dana Hull Mercury News

Protesters and dockworkers were hit with wooden bullets when Oakland police opened fire to clear an anti-war demonstration at the Port of Oakland this morning.

About 400 to 500 protesters tried to disrupt operations at two terminals of companies they say ship military cargo for the Department of Defense.

Most of the protesters dispersed, but when some refused, police began shooting wooden bullets into the crowd.

``I was marching in a circle when the police lowered their guns at us,'' said Oakland resident Scott Fleming, 29, a criminal defense attorney. ``I started to run and kept getting hit in the back.''

Fleming showed reporters five large welts on his back that he said was caused by the wooden dowels fired by police. Several dockworkers were also hit.

``I'm a lawyer and I'm seriously considering filing charges,'' Fleming said. ``They're supposed to shoot at our feet and they were shooting at our backs.''

Oakland Police said at least 24 people were arrested.

5. San Jose Mercury News slideshow: javascript:openWin('/mld/cctimes/slideshow.htm?content_id=5579343&pub_name=c ctimes&language=en&palette_name=blue_dark_standard_cool&site_name=bayarea&co mponent_title=&component_desc=');

Police get aggressive to deter Monday morning protesters CONTRA COSTA TIMES

OAKLAND - A couple of hours after the Oakland Police Department fired wooden bullets and beanbags into a crowd of protesters, Oakland City Council members were calling for hearings into the officers' conduct.

City Councilwoman Jane Brunner stood near an injured protester who had a bloody welt on his back that had swelled to the size of a softball. "It's pretty upsetting to see these big welts," said Brunner.

"We have to investigate this. According to the police chief, a protester threw a rock. My question is: Even if one or two people have been disruptive, do you go in like that with that kind of force in a demonstration?"

Police used wooden bullets, concussion grenades and tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters trying to block the entrance Monday to business that delivers military supplies to troops.

A few people were on the ground bleeding after being shot with the wooden bullets, which expand to the size of a knob on a dresser. As police herded some 500 protesters down a side road, people tried unsuccessfully to get into cars to go to the hospital.

Within a few minutes, at least one ambulance arrived.

One woman lay on the ground with two huge purple welts on her face from the wooden bullets, while another man was on the ground with his face bleeding.

Some protesters said they had been hit with tear gas canisters and bean bag bullets, as well.

The protesters were trying to block two gates of American President Lines, formerly known as APL, which is a Department of Defense contractor that delivers military cargo to troops at war.

The protesters claim police never issued any orders to disperse, but just began shooting wooden bullets and then herding the protesters onto the side road. About two dozen motorcycle officers pushed forward with officers on foot behind them shooting wooden bullets.

Around 8 a.m., police in riot gear and gas masks had backed one group of protesters to Seventh Avenue and Maritime Street right under the BART tracks where traffic was blocked and tensions were mounting. Big rig trucks were backing up in the streets and the sound of honking horns was broken up by the officers firing wooden bullets into the ground.

Police continue to drive protesters away from the Port of Oakland.

6. Utne Reader


Police Use Rubber Bullets Against Oakland Protesters —By Craig Cox -, Utne.com April 2003 Issue

Several anti-war protesters were reported injured this morning after police fired rubber bullets in an attempt to disperse about 750 demonstrators who were blocking access to a shipping company’s offices.

The incident marks the first use of rubber bullets by police against anti-war protesters since the Bush administration’s March 19 invasion of Iraq, reports Reuters.

Activists were protesting in front of the headquarters of American President Lines, which they claim is profiting from the Iraq invasion. Oakland Police spokeswoman Danielle Ashford told Reuters the shots were fired after the crowd refused to disperse. “We gave our dispersal order, we gave them an order, we gave them plenty of time to disperse,” she said.

According to a Reuters photographer on the scene, police continued to fire on about 150 demonstrators who remained after the initial burst of shots. The status of the injured protesters, believed to be longshoremen, was not immediately known.

7. NBC

Antiwar Protesters Gather Throughout Bay Area

Demonstrations In San Francisco, Oakland, Concord

POSTED: 7:51 a.m. PDT April 7, 2003 UPDATED: 8:58 a.m. PDT April 7, 2003 SAN FRANCISCO -- Antiwar protesters are gathering in at least three locations in the Bay Area to continue demonstrating against the war in Iraq.

Activists have planned protests at the Federal Building in San Francisco, on the docks in Oakland and at the Concord Naval Weapons Station.

As of 8 a.m. a large group of protesters was reportedly blocking the entrance to the Port of Oakland on Maritime Street.

There are reports that police have used some tear gas -- but no arrests or injuries have been reported.

Several hundred police officers also are on hand.

At one point -- some 15 trucks carrying huge containers are waiting outside the gates for police to clear the way for them to enter.

The protests come barely two weeks after rowdy protests sparked hundreds of arrests and brought downtown San Francisco to a standstill.

San Francisco-based peace group Direct Action to Stop the War says the protests will feature acts of civil disobedience.

The Navy has closed most of the Concord Naval Weapons Station -- but protest organizers say trucks have been seen transporting material out of the facility since the war began.

During the Cold War, the weapons station was the scene of frequent protests. Demonstrators said nuclear weapons were stored there and often tried to block weapons trains.

In 1987 protester Brian Willson lost both legs after he lay down on the tracks and was run over by a train.


MSNBC - good injury photo: http://msnbc.com/news/1855360.jpg


9. Daily Californian


Anti-War Protesters Call For Focus on Domestic Issues

Includes photos of Berkeley protesters on the way to link up with Oakland protesters

10. Another Mercury News story

Hundreds protesting in Oakland, other demos planned Associated Press

Oakland --- Oakland police opened fire with non-lethal bullets, tear gas and concussion grenades as hundreds of anti-war protesters tried to block piers at the Oakland docks this morning.

Six longshoremen standing near demonstrators at the S-S-A pier were hit by rubber or wooden bullets and were injured. They were treated by paramedics at the scene, but at least one was being transported to a hospital.

Trent Willis is a business agent for the I-L-W-U. He was extremely angry and said his members would not be going to work today.

The longshoremen were standing on the side of the road and were not involved in the protest.

Some 500 anti-war protesters were moving from pier to pier starting early this morning. They began by barring the way to the AP-L pier. At one point -- some 15 trucks carrying huge containers were waiting outside the gates for police to clear the way for them to enter.

About 100 activists were protesting at the Federal Building in San Francisco and about 30 were at the Concord Naval Weapons Station. Several were arrested in Concord for blocking the entrance to the federal facility.

The protests come two weeks after demonstrations sparked hundreds of arrests and brought downtown San Francisco to a standstill.

11. Monday, April 7, 2003 AP Breaking News Police fire rubber bullets at anti-war protest at port in Oakland

http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/04/07/ national1158EDT0617.DTL

Posted by Lisa at 10:50 AM