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December 03, 2008
Just Finished New Website For Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired

Hey I just finished a cool new website with awesome designer Jen Simmons for the new documentary,
Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired.

I'm very proud to have worked on this beautiful website. Not only because the film was, hands down, my favorite - documentary or otherwise - of 2008 (and I saw it 6 months ago, way before I had the opportunity to work on the website or anything), but also because it looks like Marina Zenovich's awesome detective work has drawn attention to the Judge's unprecedented shady behavior - and has now prompted Roman Polanski to file a suit to have the charges dropped for good (with the victim's blessing).

The website has intensely detailed information on The Film itself, The Case, the numerous excellent Reviews, Articles, Interviews with Marina Zenovich about the film, a Blog for news about the case and the film, and much more...

The DVD will be out January 27, 2009.

You can see
The trailer for the film

Here is the statement that was issued today by Polanski's lawyers (from the same Marketwatch press release):

Lawyers Chad Hummel and Bart Dalton issued the following statement about the public filing today:
"The release of the documentary film, ROMAN POLANSKI: WANTED AND DESIRED, and its aftermath, have revealed a pattern of misconduct and improper communications between the Superior Court and the District Attorney's Office, in violation of the rule of law and without the knowledge of the defendant or his counsel.

"This case serves as a classic example of how our justice system can be abused, and defendants' rights trampled, by an unholy alliance between courts and criminal prosecutors."

Here is the full text of the press release, in case the link goes bad:

Roman Polanski Files for Dismissal of Criminal Case
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips Presents New Evidence Revealing Judicial, Prosecutorial Misconduct in Handling of Three-Decades-Old Case

Last update: 7:02 p.m. EST Dec. 2, 2008
LOS ANGELES, Dec 02, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Academy Award-winning film director Roman Polanski, through new lawyers, Chad Hummel of Los Angeles' Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP, and Bart Dalton of Los Angeles, today filed a formal request with the Los Angeles County Superior Court to have the Court dismiss the criminal case brought against him more than 30 years ago in which he had entered a guilty plea to "unlawful sexual intercourse." The request was made on the grounds that judicial and prosecutorial misconduct had so distorted the legal process that the interests of justice can only be served with the complete dismissal of the case.
Polanski, a French citizen, left the United States in 1978 in order to avoid being forced to serve a second term of imprisonment for the same offense. Polanski had already served time in California state prison. Since then, the case has been the subject of extensive coverage and analysis, including as the subject of the 2008 documentary film, "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired."
Lawyers Chad Hummel and Bart Dalton issued the following statement about the public filing today:
"The release of the documentary film, ROMAN POLANSKI: WANTED AND DESIRED, and its aftermath, have revealed a pattern of misconduct and improper communications between the Superior Court and the District Attorney's Office, in violation of the rule of law and without the knowledge of the defendant or his counsel.
"This case serves as a classic example of how our justice system can be abused, and defendants' rights trampled, by an unholy alliance between courts and criminal prosecutors."
A copy of today's Court Filing is available on request.
About Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, provides legal and consulting services to a global client base from offices in Los Angeles, Orange County, Palo Alto, San Francisco, and Sacramento, California; New York City and Albany, New York; and Washington, D.C. Manatt includes Manatt Health Solutions, a healthcare policy and strategic business advisory group, and ManattJones Global Strategies, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary that develops and implements strategies to expand client businesses and facilitate their effective competition in global markets. For more information, visit www.manatt.com, www.manatthealthsolutions.com, and www.manattjones.com.
SOURCE: Manatt, Phelps & Phillips

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP
Sarah Ingram, (310) 403-4574
Lawrence Martinez, (310) 231-5443

Posted by Lisa at 02:17 PM