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June 06, 2008
Wishfest 1.1 Begins Tonight at 5:30pm PST/SLT - I go on at 7:00!

Wishfest is a DIY art and music festival where anyone can show up with a stream and load it onto a stage and perform.

Somatika Xiao has re-located Wishfest to a new home on Financial Isle.

Here's the SLURL to get there. I go on at 7:00pm SLT/PST.

Update: Nick Noir will still do a few songs at 7! So I'll go on a little bit after him

Here's the line up:

5:30 pm - Just Some Guy (Gary Bukowski)

6:00 pm - Cylindrian Rutabega

7:00 pm - Me

Gary Bukowski

Nick Noir at Wishfest 1.0

I'll have a link to the stream up here soon.

Cya tonight!

Posted by Lisa at 09:47 AM
May 13, 2008
A-Z Index of My Songs

Hey sorry this took so long to pull together. I've had complaints from people who actually took the time to go to my music site, to try to find a song they liked, to no avail. Doh!

So here it is, a little A-Z Index -- of all my published songs to date, that I know about -- and it will just live on the lisarein.com homepage from now on.

Hope to see you at the show tomorrow night :)


Posted by Lisa at 03:47 PM
May 05, 2008
I'm In The Second Life Musician Showcase: Rock-it Room, San Francisco/Second Life May 14th!

Where: Rock It Room

406 Clement St.
San Francisco, CA 94118

When: Wednesday, May 14th 7:30pm

Cover: $5

Streaming url:

Blue Fusion Lake House slurl: SLURL

I hope you'll join me in Real Life in San Francisco, and in Second Life or via webstream from anywhere in the world, as I perform at 9pm SLT/PST time on May 14, 2008.

I'm just a little part of a huge Second Life showcase featuring SL star Keiko Takamura and 5 other artists -- but I get a full half hour set.

Here's a link to my music, if you're unfamiliar with my recent stuff: http://www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/my_music_live_video/

The complete line up (all times are SLT/PST):

7:30 - BabbleGrabble Swindlehurst http://babblegrabble.com

8:00 - Pato Milo http://www.myspace.com/patomilo

8:30 - Jacopo de Nicola http://www.myspace.com/jacopodenicola

9:00 - Haley Bailey (aka Lisa Rein) http://www.onlisareinsradar.com/archives/my_music_live_video/

9:30 - Melanie Keller http://www.myspace.com/melaniekeller

10:00 - Keiko Takamura featuring ZeroOne Paz on percussion http://www.myspace.com/keikotakamura

They have free Wifi at Rocket Room too, so, even if you have to work, you can bring your laptops and geek out at the show!

Hope to see you there!

Posted by Lisa at 08:30 AM
March 18, 2008
Come To My Shows At the Central Perk In El Cerrito - March 26 and April 25

I wanted to tell you quickly about two shows I have coming up at the Central Perk in El Cerrito, California. (SF Bay Area)

phone: (866) 417-5206 address: 10086 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530-3927

March 26 - 7-9pm
April 25 - 8-10pm

This place is a block from El Cerrito Plaza Bart, the Central Ave Exit going either direction on Highway 80 -- or straight up/down San Pablo Avenue until you get to Central. It's huge, has great food, and get this...is also an antique collectible toy shop! (Which = pure heaven for me :)

The April 25th show will be broadcast live into Second Life too! More on all that later!

The March 26th show is very informal show --Musicians: bring your instrument and play/sing a song or two!

The April 25th is more formal but you should still show up and play!

Both shows are a great time to meet up with people and talk and geek out! The place is huge and doesn't turn up the sound to overpower you or anything -- plus March 26th will be an un-miked intimate songwriter showcase kinda thing anyway, where I think i'm gonna do all my songs all the way thru. Like all 30 of em er something...maybe...(well there's more... but prolly only 30 good ones :)

ok hope to see you there!

Posted by Lisa at 02:49 PM
November 09, 2007
Birthday Party Sunday Nov 11 - Video From My September 9 Show

Printable pdf
Thanks again to Critter for the great flyer!

So I guess I couldn't have waited any later to tell you about my birthday party sunday night - ireland's 32 3920 geary, SF - 415-386-6173 -- i'll be playing around 9 and then off and on all night..as people cluster in.

Links below to individual songs - i'm going to put the lyrics to FaceTwit in the More... (My Facebook Twitter Song)

I just been busy peeps! It will be great to see whoever can make it!

Actually, a lot of people have told me they're coming -- so it should be fun!

I know Sunday nights are hard, and I have a friday show nov 30 coming up too at the same place. Then, that will be it for this venue, because it turns out the mobility/accessibility sucks there and I want to find a facility with better access for my events.

"Democracy" live (by lisa rein)

Democracy Lyrics
Democracy Lyrics Resources

(Facebook Twitter Song - by lisa rein) (sung by sierra and lisa rein)

Running By (by lisa rein) (sung by sierra and lisa rein)

Dirty Back Road (B52's cover) (sung by sierra and lisa rein)

Everything except "Dirty Back Road" is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution License (v3.0 baby!)

Lyrics For FaceTwit
Words and music by Lisa Rein
Sang Sept 9, 2007 by Sierra and Lisa Rein


I got so much to tell you
I got so many friends and
I got so much respect and
you know it never ends cause you

You're thinking about me
You're thinking about me
Keep thinking about me

What are you doing right now?
It's all so very real somehow
Me and my closest 40 friends
We're all in love somehow
and you
Keep thinking about me
You're thinking about me
Keep thinking about me

Where are you goin later?
Who's got a detonator?
Where all the people goin?
Why ain't I in the know when you
You're thinking about me
You're thinking about me
Keep thinking about me
Keep thinking about me...

I got so much to tell you
And I got so much more to do
It's almost like as if I
Was there in the room with you
So please,
Keep thinking about me
Keep thinking about me
Keep thinking about me
Keep thinking about me

Posted by Lisa at 10:02 AM
September 19, 2007
So Happy To Be Playing Music Again

This is just a catch up note from last weekend on how much fun it's getting to be playing parties and events and things again...

I guess I used to get nervous and couldn't allow myself to enjoy the moment as much as I can now, now that my groove has become a second nature.

Now I don't have to think about what I'm doing. I just go into some kind of trance or something...

But what a rush last weekend to notice that everybody in the building I was playing in was smiling and digging it. They had my music piped in throughout the building (it was kind of an office/client party type thing) -- and everyone was moving their heads back and forth...and smiling.

And they'd walk in and out of the room I was actually in and look over at me, and smile, and kinda say "thanks" and "hey what'ssup?" at the same time with a nod of their heads as they were walking through.

It was a peak experience for sure.

Ready for more of those!

link to info on upcoming shows

Posted by Lisa at 11:05 AM
September 15, 2007
Show went great! Dates For New Shows November 11 and 30th!

Hey my show went great! There were lots of people there and the geeky part of the evening I hoped would take place, did!

To my delight and surprise, John Perry Barlow, John Gilmore, Annie Harrison and Brian Zisk all stopped by.

There were EFF and Internet Archive folks there too! And lots of other cool friends I'll get around to talking about later.

Anyway huge success.

Next shows at the same place (Ireland's 32, SF) will be:

1) November 11 - my birthday party (b-day the 10th) 9pm - midnight+

2) November 30 - Friday night 7-9 (woot!)

I'll have video going up soon too!

Thanks again to Ron Taylor and my sister for making it all possible.

(I was off playing hookey at the Singularity Summit hanging out with Jamais Cascio during most of what was supposed to be our practice time on Saturday!) (Soooo much more on all that later!)

Posted by Lisa at 03:23 PM
June 16, 2007
Might Have A Big Show On September 9th - Wanna Play On The Bill?

Update 6/30/07 -- I have some leads so this is a go, for now.... More soon!

So in the heat of the moment after my set last week at Ireland's 32, I agreed to headline on a Sunday night and bring in other bands to fill up the evening.

The night is Sunday, September 9th.

Now I'm worried that I might be too busy to pull this off...unless...we make a big party out of it and have a lot of different people playing, say, 4 or 5 songs each, over the course of an evening...

Then it could be fun :-)

So I'm going to give it a try. Starting today, email me at lisa@lisarein.com with some samples of your music -- or videos of you performing if you do something other than play music - I'm not trying to pass judgement, just want to hear some songs that show, ya know, you have some :-)

And if I can get 10 people/bands signed up over the next two weeks, I'll do it.

Otherwise, I'm gonna shy away from it I think. Potentially too time consuming, and I'm about to dive into another big project that will, if all goes well, take over my life for a while.

So if you want a chance to play a cool Irish Bar on a Sunday night in SF, lemme know.

I'm really interested in all kinds of performers. Musicians of course, but i was also thinking about bringing in some performance art folks, poets, etc. I don't know. I would just need a lot of people to keep it interesting and make it so more than the friends of people performing might want to show up.

But I need 10 people/bands minimum to really consider it -- since they want music from like 6-7 pm till midnight or so...

I'll be putting video of my show up soon, so you can see the stage, layout. The sound was great too, i thought.

Ok thanks!

Posted by Lisa at 02:08 PM
June 08, 2007
Reminder: I'm Playing This Sunday Night In San Francisco

Just a little reminder that I'm playing this Sunday night at Ireland's 32 in San Francisco's Richmond District.

Ron can't make it after all - but it's no big deal because I have a lot more new material I can play now.

I played an open mic last weekend that went really well, so I'm feeling more confident and relaxed about performing now.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday night, if you can make it. I'll be going on right at 8pm.

Here's the details on location and venue:

3920 Geary Blvd at 3rd Ave in SF's Richmond District.
For directions, call (415)386-6173

Posted by Lisa at 09:15 PM
May 28, 2007
Flying My Guitarist Ron Taylor In For My Show On June 10th

So I've got about 6 or 7 songs I'm really happy with in this new set, but I have up to an hour if I want it to play with Emy Tseng on our sunday night show.

So I decided to bring out the big guns and fly my great original guitar player - the one I wrote most of the stuff on lisarein.com with, out here from his farm in Idaho, where he now lives.

BTW - If anyone would like a CD of my songs to pop in your car or whatever before the show, just send me an email. (I'm making some of them this week anyway.)

So Ron and I are meeting in the airport Sunday morning, as I am flying back from the Pixelodeon Conference going on that weekend in LA, and he'll be flying in from Boise, ID.

The we get a whole day to get back in our groove for the show. I don't think it'll be that hard. We've been playing together for like 13 years now. It's incredible. These are all our oldies and goodies mostly...unless we end up writing a new song real quick once we get together, which sometimes happens...

So now you get BOTH the set of my new acoustic stuff AND a whole other set of acoustic versions of all of our old great stuff :-)

Many of you have expressed to me over the years that I basically needed to keep Ron in the picture -- that he added a lot to the style and the songs. So I'm listening to your suggestions, thanks!

I do hope that you will be pleasantly surprised with my new solo acoustic stuff though.
(I know I have been.)

I'll have a zip file of all my music here soon. Man there's a lot of it now, hadn't realized.

ok talk soon!

Posted by Lisa at 11:44 PM
May 20, 2007
Had A Great First Show - My Sister's Awesome

Hey the Farmer's Market show was great! (post 1 about it - post 2 about it.

Looking forward to the
show on June 10

And the new song went over very well! It was as gratifying as I had hoped :-)

Sierra and I really kicked ass on the few songs we sang together. I looking forward to working out a whole set of songs with her.

I'm going through the video to pick out a nice clip or two to show you.

Special thanks to gregory for helping me set up my sound!

Posted by Lisa at 07:31 PM
May 19, 2007
Reminder that I'm Playing the Farmer's Market In Kensington Tomorrow

Tomorrow I'm performing with my sister at the Farmers Market in Kensington from 10-2.

from Bart, take the 7 bus from berkeley bart. tell the driver you're going to "Kensington Stores"

Just drive up to where the stores are on the Arlington

take 580 north Berkeley, Buchanan street exit. Go right.
Buchanan turns into "Marin" keep going until you get to a roundabout from hell and try to pick the left turn with the least hills (Arlington). Then stay on that road till you get to stores where there once was only houses.

303 Arlington, 94707 if you're mapquesting.

I wrote a couple songs this last week just for the occasion for us to sing together.

My sister's what I call "me +" when it comes to singing -- we both lucked out in that we've never had to try hard to sing well. Our voices have just always been there for us.

But she's actually been working hard at having incredible pipes for years. She has this crazy amazing range that she uses when she does comedic opera and such in LA. (That clip is from Mulholland Christmas Carol.)

Anyhoo, I'm really excited that I finally started putting her to good use in my music.

So maybe I'll see ya Sunday. If not, no biggie. I've got a show on June 10 in SF and I'm going to be playing all over the place, so I'll cyou whenever it's more convenient...

It just feels so good to be playing for people now instead of my cat. (He just threw me a look! How do they KNOW?)

And now, when I write a new song, like i just did over the last few days, I get to play it for people.


That's just the best :-)

Posted by Lisa at 11:55 AM
May 11, 2007
Hook me up with a gig in LA June 4-9th

Hey I know it's a long shot, but if any of you down in LA know a nice cafe I could take over for a half hour some night while I'm hanging in LA June 4-9th, do let me know, so I can bring my guitar. (Although I suppose I could just play someone else's, if something turns up last minute.)

I'm in town for pixelodeon, on mefeedia business. So do ping me if I should be connecting with you, or someone else/another company/organization while I'm in town.

And LA locals: please do tell me where to show up and play!


Posted by Lisa at 12:02 AM
May 07, 2007
Come See Me and My Sister Perform at the Kensington Farmer's Market on Mother's Day - May 20th!

Update! This show has been moved to May 20th!

Hey I just landed another gig next weekend from 10am-2pm on SUNDAY, May 13th at the Kensington Farmer's Market.

Since I've just got oodles of time, I'll probably be going through my whole set. (25+songs)

I'm bringing my sister up from LA to keep things jamming in-between my sets.

We might even perform a few songs together. We definitely will since we get an extra week to prepare!

Anyway come by and say hi, if you're in the neighborhood.

If you can find your way up to the stores along the Arlington, you've found it.

If you take Bart, take the 7 bus from either Berkeley or North Berkeley Bart.

Posted by Lisa at 12:23 PM
April 20, 2007
Come To My Show June 10th In San Francisco

Updated June 5, 2007 - Be on time - 8pm!
I'm flying Ron out and we've got a lot of material to cover :-)
3920 Geary Blvd at 3rd Ave in SF's Richmond District.
For directions, call (415)386-6173

Updated April 27th - hey if you haven't heard my music a lot of it is here:

and more is here:


Hey I'm opening for Emy Tseng on Sunday night, June 10th, at Ireland's 32 in San Francisco. The address is: 3920 Geary Blvd at 3rd Ave in SF's Richmond District. (415)386-6173.

I get from 8-9pm to do my thing. (I'll probably start right on time, since it's a Sunday night.)

I've been practicing guitar pretty intensely for the last few years waiting for both this latest set of new songs, and some older songs I've been playing for 10 years, to feel "good enough" to play for you.

Finally, I think I'm there :-)

I wasn't sure if I'd have to do the open mic circuit again or what, which I of course, was not looking forward to doing...

Then, of all the crazy things, I went to a Kareoke party that Emy threw last Friday night. Maybe I was all mentally warmed up for it already, since I had just seen the Cowboy Junkies live at the Great American Music Hall about an hour earlier, but before I knew it, I was singing Sneaker Pimps and Linda Ronstandt covers, and Emy was asking me to open for her in June.

Since I actually have a full hour to play, I might just keep going (after I'm done with my regular set)...and meander a little and play some experimental stuff and other new stuff that's neat, but maybe not finished yet...

And there could be some other surprises, but that would only be if a couple things fall into place just perfectly between now and then...

But things have kind of been falling into place lately. So anything's possible :-)

Anyway, it should be a good show. Hope to see you there.

Posted by Lisa at 08:11 AM
February 19, 2004
See Ron Taylor and Lisa Rein (Park and Ride) Play The Vallejo Masonic Temple This Sunday, February 22

"Park and Ride" is the name that Ron Taylor and I play under when it's just the two of us doing a set.

It's that time again! Ron and I are going to do an acoustic set at a benefit for Loma Vista Farm This Sunday, February 22, around 5:30 pm. The whole thing is going on from 4-7pm.

Let me know if you plan on coming and I'll bring a free CD to give you at the show!

It's at:

Springbrook Masonic Temple, 101 Temple Way, Vallejo

Spaghetti dinner and silent auction fundraiser for
Loma Vista Farm
in Vallejo.
No host social 4-5pm (magician will perform from approx. 4:10-4:30)
dinner 5-7pm (Raymond Victor band, Park and Ride, Polinesian Dance group)

$15.00 per person
5 and under are free
tickets available at the door

I80 East to Vallejo
Tennessee East exit
at the stop sign turn left then make a right onto Tennessee Street
Left on Locust
Left on Masonic
Left on Temple
Drive thru the gate located at the top of the hill.

Save Loma Vista Farm

What is Loma Vista Farm?
Loma Vista Farm is an outdoor classroom for children, which is a part of the Vallejo City Unified School District. Run on three acres by the students themselves, the farm is home to many animals including horses, cows, goats, sheep, chickens, an organic garden and a greenhouse. The Farm serves over 18,000 children a year, providing an intriguing environment for education in science, human relation skills and agricultural literacy.

For nearly 30 years, Loma Vista Farm has been operated under the direction of teacher Thom Arcadi and visited by students in Solano County and other school districts in the Bay Area. Vallejo families visit the Farm, and gardening classes are held for adults.

Loma Vista Farm is in Danger!
Because of the current fiscal crisis, the Vallejo City Unified School District Board had to make a difficult decision to eliminate all of the funding for Loma Vista Farm in recent budget cuts. These cuts will close down the farm by summer 2003 if action is not taken to save it.

How You Can Help

* Help fix up the farm: fix-it skills and green thumbs needed; yard duty helpers on open farm days.
* Volunteer: fundraising/grand writers needed
* Donate supplies: copy paper, flower pots and flats, potting soil, animal feed, etc.
* Sponsor an animal: honor your name or advertise your business with a special sign near the animal you sponsor.
* Dine at Chevy's every first Monday of each month, mention Loma Vista Farm, and 20 percent of your bill will go to the farm: April 7, May 12, June 2, July 7, August 4, September 8, October 6, November 3 and December 1. Reservations are encouraged (707) 644-1373. Comments, questions or concerns regarding the Loma Vista Farm Chevys Fundraiser: chevyslomavista@sbcglobal.net
* Make a donation: tax deducible donations can be sent to:
Donation Account
Loma Vista Farm
150 Ranier Ave.
Vallejo, CA 94589

For more information on Save Loma Vista Farm, call (707) 556-8765 or email susan_dreiske@narcap.org

Posted by Lisa at 04:03 PM
December 13, 2003
Hope To See You At The Show Tonight!

See you there!

Lisa Rein's Music Showcase

Parking's tough! Better to take public transit!

Map and Transit Info

Posted by Lisa at 12:48 PM
November 12, 2003
First Flyer For My December 13 Showcase!

My friend Chris Ritter has created this lovely flyer for my upcoming showcase at Noe Valley Ministry on December 13, 2003.

Map to Noe Valley Ministry

Thanks, Critter!

Posted by Lisa at 08:02 AM
November 07, 2003
Come To My December 13 Showcase At Noe Valley Ministry

I'm just finalizing the line-up for my show at Noe Valley Ministry on Saturday, December 13!

Map to Noe Valley Ministry

I've decided to fly down my drummer/producer (Simon Grant) and bass player (Jeff Norwood) from Seattle so I'll have a full band for the show.

I'm also going to have Paul de Benedictis playing some original piano music and Singer/Songwriter Alex Walsh playing a set.

Hope to see you there!

Posted by Lisa at 07:55 AM
October 02, 2003
Come See Ron and I (Park and Ride) Play An Acoustic Set On December 16th At Noe Valley Ministry

I just found out that I'll be playing at Noe Valley Ministry on December 13, 2003 -- Saturday night!

Map to Noe Valley Ministry

Since we get to take over the whole church for the show - upstairs and downstairs - I'm going to take the opportunity to throw a little party while I'm at it.

So we'll be performing three or four little sets over the course of the evening to showcase our stuff in-between the food and get togethering. That way, if you have other plans, you can still come by for a few songs and a drink or two whenever it's convenient for you.

The festivities will be going on from 6:30-9:30 pm. Donations will be appreciated, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Check out our first video for a taste of our acoustic set.

Hope to see you there!

Posted by Lisa at 10:26 AM